Chapter 18

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"Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to Tokyo, Japan. The local time is 2:28pm. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisles clear until we are parked at the gate." The steward said through the intercom.

I looked at the window, seeing fellow comrades working. I looked at the other side to see that some people were patiently waiting to get off the aircraft while others were quite the opposite. I didn't mind at all as I was thinking of other things. 

As soon as they gave the sign that we could get our things and get out, I did just that almost immediately. While rolling my suitcase away, I got a text from my brother.

Ryouta: im here at the usual cafe 

Rika: 👍🏼

Since I travel often, Ryouta usually picks me up at the same place. 

Everything seemed like a blur. The sounds were muffled and echoey as I felt myself faint, almost like I'm on the verge of passing out but also aware of what's happening around me. As I got closer to the café, I felt a tap on my shoulder making me look beside me.

"Hey.. Are you alright? I've been waving at you from afar.." Ryouta said worriedly as he held my suitcase.

I nodded my head weakly.

"Just tired and jet lagged.. the time difference is messing me up." I said as I yawned.

I wasn't lying but that wasn't the only reason why I was tired. The whole flight, the only thing I kept thinking about was the ending of the so-called vacation. It was supposed be making new friends, separating myself from the drama, not thinking about the toxic relationship I was in, seeing new things and an unplanned reunion with my brother's best friend, Ran. 

Who was also my long-term crush.

'Is it even considered a crush at this point?'

Instead, the farewell to the person I've liked for however the fuck long turned into a soap opera that made me a bawling mess in public. 

I shook my head, trying to get everything out of my brain but failing miserably because currently, everything was a loop.

As soon as we got into the car we fastened our seatbelts and drove off, away from the busy airport.

"I'm pretty sure you're hungry.. What do you want to eat?" Ryouta asked as his fingers tapped on the steering wheel, following the beat of the song. 

"Ramen." I flatly said.

He hummed in agreement as we stopped in a red light. He grabbed his phone and searched in the gps to the ramen place we liked in the central part of Kyoto. He placed his phone back on the holder as he continued to tap on the wheel.

"I think I want to break up with Kenzo." I suddenly blurted out.

He stopped tapping and heave out a sigh.

"What happened?" He said as I noticed his hand gripping on the wheel.

"I'm sure you have noticed but.. I'm not happy in the relationship anymore.." I explained.

"You were never happy from the beginning. I just didn't say anything 'cause I said to myself; She'll learn and grow." He said as the light turned green, making him drive.

I hummed feeling ashamed that I put myself in a stupid situation. 

"To be honest, I wasn't very fond of him from the first place but you're smart so I knew you'd figure it out on your own." He said truthfully.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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