Post-concert cuddles ~ part 1

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The destruction of the scene Nirvana had finished playing on had begun. Cans of beers were all over the place. The huge amplifiers fell to the ground as the audience applauded them for the great show they had just delivered.

I stood backstage waiting for Dave to come back. He quickly got off the drums and headed straight over to me. Dave's dark hair was slightly covering some of his face. »Hey sweetheart, enjoyed the show?« he asked, putting his arm up against the door frame we were standing at.

»Yes, you did so well, babe« I said, caressing his cheek. Dave's face lit up. I could tell that the compliment made him feel fulfilled and proud. He gave me a tight hug. I could feel Dave's long hair fall onto my face. I inhaled the newly-washed hair's scent and gave him a small kiss.

After we had let go of each other, we followed Kurt and Krist to the hotel we'd be staying at tonight. When we arrived, Dave and I quickly made our way to our hotel room.

»Now you're all mine, until dinner with the crew« Dave said, in a naughty yet innocent way. I threw him onto the blankets on the bed and started planting kisses all over his body, causing lipstick stains all over Dave.

»Sorry for the stains, hun« I said, worried about what Dave would think. He just laughed it off. »Don't worry, sweetheart. Let's continue« Dave replied. So we did - and suddenly, time had flown by so fast!

I grabbed Dave's arm and looked at his watch. Dinner was scheduled for 6.30 p.m. and that was in 20 minutes. »We were ... simply enjoying ourselves too much, I guess« I said to Dave. He was changing his outfit in the bathroom, though I could still hear him grinning from where I stod.

A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened. Dave came out smiling, wearing a leather jacket and a pair of thrifted jeans. Gosh, he was perfect. What did I ever do to deserve Dave ...?

We put on our shoes and made our way down to the restaurant. Dave and I held each other's hands all the way to our destination. The both of us admired the nature here. The landscape of California was beautiful with those grand palm trees and the lovely weather outside.

We were soon to be greeted by the crew - Krist, Kurt and the people working for Nirvana. They had decided to celebrate the one-year-anniversary of their most successful album, Nevermind.

I was invited too, along with Shelli Hyrkas (Krist's wife) and one of Kurt's good friends, Journalist Michael Azzerad. When we were seated, Dave took place next to me. He knew that I'd be a little nervous in front of all those important people, so his hand was carefully placed on my lap, in a protective, comfortable way.

The food arrived, and eventually a few people went to the bathroom.

~next part of the story in the next post~

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