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The people of the Golden City believed these outsiders were gods or simply demons. Whichever way, these heroes proved themselves they were not interested in gold because they didn't cheat in the game nor used their weapons to kill.

Eventually, they needed their privacy since they had been transformed for too long, they needed to feed their kwamis to get their strength back.

Ladybug detransformed into Marinette inside the temple in private without anyone seeing her, "I'm so sorry, Tikki. I had to do everything I could without revealing my true identity" She apologized.

"I'm starving" Tikki ate her cookie.

"This is the last one. Eventually, you'll have to try other food they have here" Marinette said.

"Okay. As long as it's sweet" Tikki said.

"It won't be easy. There's gotta be something you liked before sweets were discovered" Marinette said, knowing that Tikki has lived millions of years old.

"Fruits might work" Tikki pointed out.

Adrien is also in hiding too and completely irritated with Plagg complaining about how starved he is to have his cheese.

"This is the last one. These people don't have cheese here and you're gonna have to try other foods they have from now on" Adrien strictly said, almost sounding like his father but he wants Plagg to get a grip, "No cataclysm without a holder again. You know how dangerous it is"

"I know" Plagg sighs.

"Just please, for once. You like things very rotten but right here it's very fresher and healthy" Adrien said and then took out a piece of bread to Plagg, "Try this"

"Bread? That stuff is dry and flavorless!" Plagg refused.

"How about this expired banana?" Adrien held out one, "Ugh, very mushy"

"Better!" Plagg said before munching it.

"Enjoy" Adrien rolls his eyes.

Pelle in hiding saw how his kwami looked exhausted, "I'm terribly sorry for being transformed too long, Trunkk. I couldn't risk revealing my identity. It's like these people have encountered white people to believe they are demons" Pelle said before feeding him.

"I don't blame you, Pelle. My previous holders have had the same problems" Trunkk said while munching on peanuts.

"Even superheroes have a lot of responsibilities that involve in difficult situations," Pelle said.

"Yeah. Though the peanuts are munchy, I prefer the chocolates you carry but they'd melt in this warm place" Trunkk said.

"Totally. Maybe mangos, watermelon, grapes?" Pelle asked.

"Well, you told me elephants love melons. I could try them" Trunkk said.

"Yep, from what I learned from my experiences," Pelle said.

Luna in hiding fed her kwami, knowing how much it exhausted her.

"Finally getting to eat something," Clawws said.

"Lo siento, mi kwami" Luna apologized in Spanish.

"But at least we both got a break. That ball game was a very ancient old game they created as a sport" Clawws said.

"Clawws, these visions. Are they like memories of your previous owners?" Luna asked, hoping it wasn't some kind of mental hallucination.

"Yes, they are. They grant you the knowledge of the previous holders here, including that of my dark twin who got banished to the other universe" Clawws explained.

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