Later that night, Adrien decided to check on Marinette as Cat Noir just to make sure she's okay since he didn't get the chance to visit ever since the news was out about him and her going missing for days. So he pole-vaulted and jumped from building to building to meet her. Landing on her roof balcony and tapped the trapdoor to be let in.
"Cat Noir?" Marinette opened the hatch.
"Hello Princess" He climbs in.
"What are you doing here? Chasing mice got you bored again?" Marinette teased him.
"Just wanted to be sure you're alright since you went missing for a few days," Cat Noir said.
"I'm okay. You know me, clumsy girl and all. But it's very sweet of you to care about me like my parents" Marinette said.
"It's my job as your knight, princess. Maybe even as your guardian angel" Cat Noir flirted.
Marinette scoffed at his remark, even as an angel you're still a black cat. Black doesn't go with white angel wings" She giggled.
"True but every puuurrrrincess has an animal beside her. Don't good kitties get a treat?" Cat Noir purred.
"Hmm.....that depends on how this good kitty is behaving as well as not letting curiosity kill him" Marinette teased him.
"Meow, satisfaction always brings me back, princess. But seeing you again always makes me happy you know" Cat Noir purred in happiness.
"Aww....what a cute stray being gentle without using his claws to scratch. I suppose petting will do. After all, cats love to be petted" Marinette scratched behind his cat ears.
Cat Noir closed his eyes as his princess scratched him. He couldn't help himself by rubbing his face against her hand due to emotional need like a cat.
"So cute" Marinette giggled.
"You have no idea how long I wanted to be petted, princess" Cat Noir purred so loudly.
"I bet but calm down before you try to get too much into your emotional need or no cat treat for you," Marinette said before stopping since he's had enough.
"Alright, Marinette" Cat Noir replied.
"Good kitty. I suppose eating pigeons isn't your appetite" Marinette said.
"Nope, but I do love your pastries so much from your king and queen of the bakery castle, princess" Cat Noir said.
"You gluten doofus" Marinette rolled her eyes.
"It's true. Do you know how many customers come and spread the stories of your king and queen's delicious pastries?" Cat Noir asked.
"A lot," Marinette said.
"And your charming prince you admire so much when he models for the ads. He's so innocent like an angel. And yet that evil witch bewitched that fashion designer or whatever, to get close to your prince in modeling. Witches always have black cats but I for one hate witches trying to tame me" Cat Noir using his words in a fairytale to represent people he knows.
"You mean Lie-la?" Marinette guessed.
"Yes. You once said she made a lie about her terrible 'disease' which in reality, modeling careers don't hire a person with a disease. And yet everyone believes she's improving her disease by modeling" Cat Noir said, stating his facts because his father would never hire models with terrible conditions because he cares about perfection.
"I don't get it either," Marinette said.
"Someday she won't model forever, my princess. You would be so puuuurrrrfect to model with your prince. Can you imagine a cover magazine titled The New Princess with Prince Adrien? is something that I can't get enough when I confess my love to my wonderful lady" He slumps on her lap.

Lost City of Gold ⚱️
FanfictionIt had been 2 weeks since Panthera and Blu Tembo became new superheroes. But now a new threat has approached when another from a dimension is searching for the Lost City of Gold and only the Jaguar miraculous can unlock the gateway. Can Ladybug and...