Chapter 1 - The Mandalore Plot

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Author's Note: I think the Council is written a bit out of character but that's kind of necessary for the plot, so hopefully it doesn't bother anyone too much.  I've never written with Obitine before but I decided to just roll with it based off of their dynamic in the Mandalore arc in the second season. xD

PS. This is a gift for BeardedPercy on ao3. :)

~ Tirana Sorki

When Obi-Wan heard he was being sent to Mandalore, he should have expected it would be just as chaotic as the last time he was there years ago with Qui-Gon. Mandalore is always a headache.

He just underestimated how strange it would be to see Satine again for the first time since... what happened last time. She looks far older and different now and has the exact same fire and prickliness that he remembers. But of course, the first thing his mind has to promptly jump to is the... sheer awkwardness of seeing her again, after what happened the last time they were around each other.

Especially when they go outside alone together so they can talk about the Death Watch situation.

"It's so good to see you again Obi-Wan, despite the circumstances," Satine comments, some of her obvious anger at the situation fading away now that they're alone.

"I must say, I didn't expect we ever would see each other again," he replies.

Satine turns to him, raising an eyebrow but there's the faintest glimmer of amusement there. "After our ceremonial vows, did you really believe we'd never seen one another again?"

Obi-Wan nearly winces visibly at the mention of their definitely-not-legitimate marriage. Of all the things that he finds embarrassing when he thinks about his teenage years, that is by far the worst.

Both of them had been trying to disguise their identities when dealing discreetly with a group of insurgents during the Mandalorian civil war, and they'd.... ended up feigning a relationship that according to Mandalorian customs, meant they were legitimately married. Which Obi-Wan insisted didn't mean anything because Jedi can't do that anyway, but Satine said it was still legitimate by the rules of her culture. Technically, that means it's valid on Mandalore but not anywhere else, by Republic law.

Qui-Gon had found it unreasonably amusing.

"It's been years," Obi-Wan replies with a huff, "How is that still legitimate?"

"We never did get divorced," Satine points out, amused.

So nice of her to think this is funny. He'd rather forget it happened at all. He's a Jedi master now, not – oh, whatever. "You're the one who didn't want to make a scene," he grumbles.

"I can't imagine you would want that kind of scene either."

Definitely not. There is no way he's letting anyone else find out about that. It's bad enough Qui-Gon had to know even if he at least agreed not to mention a word about it to anyone because it wasn't important. "Your peaceful ways have paid off," Obi-Wan says, changing the topic, "Mandalore has prospered since the last time I was here."

What they need to do is focus on the Death Watch situation before it becomes critical.


So much for stopping the Death Watch situation before it became critical. The investigation to Concordia with Satine had become explosive quickly.

"It's obvious the Separatists are supporting Death Watch," Obi-Wan muses, arms crossed. Nothing else explains the Mandalorian warrior who attacked the Republic base, even if Satine insists there was no connection.

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