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(A/U: Ignore everything but the night gown

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(A/U: Ignore everything but the night gown. The leggings, Holster, boots and the gun come a bit later in the chapter.)


Shirina's POV

[The cinematic "Goodnight, baby girls" begins. "Sony Computer Entertainment presents" and "a Naughty Dog game" slides flash on screen. Sarah Miller and her adoptive 5 year old sister Shirina Miller sleeping on the couch at Their home in Austin, Texas. The camera shifts to the front door where their father Joel enters, talking to his brother, Tommy on the phone.]

"Tommy I—Tommy, Tommy listen to me, he is the contractor. He's the contractor, okay? I can't lose this job. I understand..." Joel said talking to Tommy on the phone. [The camera shifts back to Sarah and Rina waking up.] "Let's talk about this in the morning, okay? [Joel turns on a light and Sarah yawns.] We'll talk about it in the morning. All right, goodnight." Joel said ending the call.

[Sarah and Rina sits up on the couch.] "Hey." Sarah and I greet him in union. "Scoot." Joel said. [Sarah moves over. Joel sits in between me and her.] "Fun day at work, huh?" I ask. "What are you two still doing up? It's late." Joel commented. [Sarah and I look up at the clock. It reads 11:40 PM.] "Oh crud. What time is it?" Sarah asks. "It's way past your bedtime." Joel said. "But it's still today." I said looking at dad. [Sarah grabs a small box beside the couch.] "Darlings, please not right now. I do not have the energy for this." Joel said.

"[Sarah stands up and hands the small box to Joel.] Here." Sarah said. "What's this?" Joel asks. [He grabs the box.] "Your birthday." Sarah and I said. [Joel opens the box. Inside is a watch.] "You kept complaining about your broken watch... So we figured, you know... [Joel puts the watch on his wrist] You like it?" Sarah asks. "Girls, this is... [He holds the watch to his ear, then puts it back down.]" Joel said. "What?" I ask. "It's nice but I—I think it's stuck. It's not—" Joel said jokingly. "What? [Worried, she grabs Joel's arm to get a closer view of the watch.] No, no, no, no. [As she looks, she finds the watch is ticking fine. It was all a joke by Joel. She pushes his arm away.] Oh, ha, ha." Sarah said.

"Where did you get the money for this?" Joel asks. "[Sarcastically] Drugs. I sell hardcore drugs." Sarah said as I giggle a bit. "Oh, good. [Joel grabs the TV remote from the table in front of him.] You can start helping out with the mortgage then." Joel said. "Stsh—yeah, you wish." Sarah and I both said. "[Joel turns on the TV. He and Sarah then start watching TV. After some time, Sarah falls asleep. Music starts to play as Joel picks up Sarah and carries her to her room with Shirina following him. Joel then puts Sarah in her bed and Shirina climbs in the bed and sleeps with her older sister.] "Goodnight, baby girls." Joel said. "Goodnight dad." I said tiredly and then fell asleep.

[Joel leaves her room and the camera cuts to black. The cinematic "Goodnight, baby girl" ends. Almost two hours later, Sarah and Shirina are awakened to Sarah's bedside phone ringing. She picks it up and answers.] "Hello?" Sarah answers and puts the phone on speaker for me to hear. "[Over the phone] Sarah, Nira, honey, I need you to get your daddy on the phone." Tommy said urgently. "Uncle Tommy, what time is it?" I ask as I get off the bed, grabbed some leggings and put them on, grabbed my cowgirl boots and put them on my feet, grabbed my leg holster for my pistol on my leg, and put my pistol in my holster and covered it with the night gown I was wearing.

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