bulletin board

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"do better michael."

monday 11:30 am.

sat across from me was the principal, im pretty sure me and her both know im not listening to a word shes saying, but its her job to get on my back about this shit so she wont stop. of course. she'll probably blame me and be like "well its his fault for not listening"
bull. teachers just don't provide the help students actually need.

ill tell you what im gonna be doing when im older, SITTING. ON. MY. ASS. fucking strumming a guitar on the porch with a nice rocking chair and a cup of coffee- no- tea- NO. fucking gross. with a cup of.. do i even like any drinks? hm. well i like redbull. okay. cup of redbull then. no, fuck that, who drinks a cup of redbull? a can of redbull.

"michael!" she yelled, startling me and breaking me out of my train of thought.
"FUCKING HELL- oh. fuck. FUCK. sorry... shit"

can you tell i cant control my language?

"language." she said firmly.
i nod "right. sorry."
fuck do i have to be sorry for?

"did you listen to what i was saying michael?"
she picks her stack of paper up and turns them up, lightly tapping them on the table to have a straight stack.

"uh.. pshh.. yeah totally" i say, leaning back on my chair (very obviously lying.)
she stares at me for a second "what was i saying then."

um "um" um.. I DONT FUCKING KNOW?? global warming. wait what the fuck is global warming, isnt that like.. okay shut the fuck up and think... global warming- no. not global warming thats not what she asked dipshit. wait, was she talking about global warming?



there was a long silence.

"excuse me?"

i shake my head in shame "i don't know."

"i was saying. that you need to pay more attention in class, you cant just play guitar in private for the rest of your life. what are you gonna do if you say one wrong thing and your band goes downhill for good and you have no backups or other interests? i mean michael do you even know what you'd do without that guitar?" she asks.

i take a second to think, i don't know. i actually don't. but that doesn't matter. that doesn't fucking matter cause my band wont go downhill- fucksakes i dont even have a band yet! who the fuck does she think she is??

"i don't know, but i don't even have one yet. and thats not for me to decide now." i say, i don't know why i try to sound snobby and mature it just makes me seem more interested in the conversation, i just wanna get out of the office.

"well its something to think about." she turns her spinny chair around and grabs a flier, god i wish i was on a spinny chair. their so fun.

then suddenly paper is getting waved in my face, as i take it i realise its from the bulletin board in the hall.

ive seen this so many times before

ive seen this so many times before

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guitar and a canvas - bylerWhere stories live. Discover now