The Rabin: Advent Of Predation

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15 Million Years Post Establishment

In the almost hot, open grasslands of Almara, specifically its central steppe, there has been a remarkable step forward in the evolution of Terra 2's second tree of life: the appearance of not one, not three, not four, but two macro-predators! Predators have always existed on Terra 2 to some extent. During the early Archi Epoch there were the robins and their descendants; during the later Archi Epoch, it was the Leovines in Okiina and the Hooksparrows in Almara. However, none of these were what could be called a "true" predator. Sure, they hunted and ate living organisms but they could live their entire lives without ever doing so. Hunting was merely an option they exploited occasionally, as no others had. But now, 15 million years into this experiment, there has been a development in both the robins and the hamsters. The two animals we are about to visit can no longer survive without engaging in predation; two beings whose lives depend on the end of another's. One has evolved into a graceful, solitary hunter with deadly talons, and the other has become a pack hunter with complex social behavior. Together, the Rabin and the Slasherjack rule the open savannahs of equatorial Almara.

The Almaran Steppe

Located in the center of Almara, the Almaran Steppe is a unique environment being that it has the lowest "tree" cover on the continent. Instead, there are vast expanses of dry, pale green or hay-tinted grass fields punctuated by tall, skinny brown spider bamboo groves, specially evolved for the drier than normal plains. Instead of vibrant, lush landscapes, there are sparsely forested plains with the occasional mountain range or volcano, of which there are a surprising abundance of in Almara. In fact, such an abundance of fire mountains is what lends the Almaran Steppe it's low tree coverage, among other climatological factors. Almara as a landmass is racing down south to the poles at an alarming speed, causing immense tectonic stress on the mainland. There are a total of 98 volcanoes in the centre of the continent alone, with many more dotting the coast and, as a result, eruptions are surprisingly frequent and often blanket the central steppe with toxic ash and soot every couple centuries. Every 400 or so years, animals will witness rivers of lava and spewing magma coating the landscape. Many will perish and for both flora and fauna this can lead to minor extinctions, though nothing so severe as to destabilize an ecosystem. Given 50 or more years and the plains return to their bountiful state, now with new niches and roles to fill in its ecosystem after being left empty. However, there have been a few events (around 5) that had started chain reactions, leading to larger casualties and eliminating more than a few species, the worst of which occurred about 234,000 years ago and killed 68 species of plants, animals and fungi. But, overall, these events are rare throughout time, and given the immense time that Terra 2 spans, the eruptions are but geological milliseconds of chaos. So although one might assume these eruptions would be gradually destroying the ecosystems around them, they are in fact doing the complete opposite; they are wiping out the weak to make space for the strong. This process of volcanic activity is what eventually allowed some critters to take advantage of those who struggled, eventually giving rise to Terra 2's very first macro-predators.

The Rabin

Swift footed, sickle clawed and keen eyed; the rabin is a force to be reckoned with. Descended from the hooksparrows of 10 million years PE, these new predators are the apex of their ecosystem. The hooksparrows, who have now gone extinct and who's only living representetives are the rabins, arose due to a calamity 5 million years ago when the famous Great Bamboo Forest finally met its end due to tectonic activity. Displaced animals struggled to find a place in the newly seperated environment they found themselves in. Multiple species attempted to take advantage of this, but none were as efficient or pre-adapted as the hooksparrow. Their sharp talons, bipedal stature and curved bill had already evolved for consuming tough plant matter and carrion, so when the Western Great Bamboo Forest (what remained of the forest in Almara) completely disappeared , they decided to be more... pro-active. They began to feast upon small burrowing mammals, insignificant cubs and even other hooksparrow chicks. It didn't take many generations for their talons to curve and morph into sickle shaped killing tools, for their bills to lengthen and serrate, their legs becoming stronger, faster and more adept at chasing down those who didn't feel like being eaten. Within virtually no time at all, the hooksparrow had become solitary hunters the size of an ostrich (7 and a half feet tall), weighing as much as a lion (over 400 pounds). 15 million years after the robins initial introduction to Terra 2, they have now become the rabin.

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