Ch.1: the arrival

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Today was the day….  the annual Anime and video convention. this is the year that they finally reveal the latest game to the Astral chronicles. I entered the convention is my latest cosplay as an Astarian knight armor, which took way too many sleepless nights to complete and trust me this cosplay took years to perfect. As I walk into the convention hall I see a poster from the first Astarian chronicles game. it showed a necromance by the name of Magistrate Cronus. The next character on the poster was a Pantherian by the name of Stella Bronzkey. She was what the game calls a gunner, even though the gun was as big as a cannon in comparison. With the ears and tail of a cat, not to mention she was very agile as a cat too. 

I must have been staring at the poster for a while, since when I looked around the once full room was now completely empty. Strange thing was that I don't remember there being a weird looking staff laying in the middle of the room… and glowing?! I have always been a curious person but this curiosity is something that will change the course of my life for the better. i touched the weird glowing staff and that's when it happened. A bright flash of light emitted from the crystal orb atop the staff and in the blink of an eye, the room I was in and everything that was around me suddenly faded and disappeared. At that moment I was floating through a vast dark void with floating dimly glowing orbs. I would be fascinated by all this if I wasn't also extremely terrified by where I was going to end up. Just as i was wondering where i was going to end up, gravity happened to choose that time to kick in and drag me to the bottom of the dimly lit void. As I fell to god knows where and when i say gravity was there i mean i was falling like i had just jumped from a large building. It was terrifying and looking back on that experience i probablly would have screamed if not for what happened next.

With a loud thud I landed on what appeared to be a hard stone floor in what looked to be some sort of creepy castle type thing. I sat up and rubbed my backside, which was sore from the landing, and took a good look around but stopped when my eyes fell upon a young man, he looked to be around my age and I'm twenty five years old. He was laying on his side on the cold stone floor… and he didn't seem to be conscious but was breathing. I knew he was breathing cause I had rushed over to him and checked myself.

                              [Whoa…] my eyes widened as I saw how handsome he was, [why is a handsome individual doing in this creepy ass place?]

I thought this but as i saw what he was wearing… black, every article of clothes he wore was black, [go figure, he's either goth or emo… maybe both.]

  His eyes fluttered open then begins to well up with tears. He is staring straight at me and he cups my cheek with his hand, “Ten years… ten long years I've dreamt of this day… at last fate has brought you back to me my beloved.”

his breathing becomes labored with emotion as he pulls me into a tight embrace, “I never gave up hope that you would come back…”

I could hear my heart racing in my ear as i help him up. Yet the weirdness continues as he grabs my hand, brings it to his lip and places the most gentle kiss I’ve ever seen and had the privilege to experience.

I blushed slightly and say, “Umm, i think you were expecting someone else cause I've never met you before… I believe this is some sort of mistake? My name is Gwen…”

His sparkling grayish-green eyes grow wide as a blush appears on his cheeks and then he lets out a heavy sigh, “You- you're not Lilliana… oh thousand-hells how could i screw up this bad?”

I didn't know if i should comfort him or worry more about how to get home… this was an unusual experience to say the least. Can't really say that I've been transported through time and space to some weird gothic castle dungeon before.

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