charles zi britannia head many children with different wives, with the children being the Royal family of britannia and Rexford britannia is no different however unlike his other brothers and sisters he was more sinister, especially after a attac...
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The Amazon rainforest is usually peaceful but unfortunately this wasn't the case as even in middle of the night light can be seen coming from gunshots.
The battle would usually be around britannia's forces and the resistance but this battle came form a different groups.
One was a mercenary group that worked for britannia's but mostly biggest employee is cobra as they usually always take orders from them, especially cobra commander
They are the dreadnoks
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On the ground two different types of mech suits ware fighting one another one was the usual outdated Knightmare and the other side is the dreadnoks personal updated knightmare suits specially the design for them thanks to cobra.
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As both side open fire with the dreadnoks units having the upper hand, a few bombs hits in front of the dreadnoks making them step backwards so not to get hit.
"Hey tell those Brit's to bomb the other guys!!" One dreadnoks solder yell as the open fire on two resistance groups getting shot down easily by him
" Inbred fuckers don't give a shit!!" The other dreadnoks solder yell as he keeps firing on the terrorist group "they got dozen sisters back home to knock up"