727 41 14

Dec 28th

"How long are you gonna be gone?" Breia asked me, I rode passenger seat of her all comfy and relaxed. It was currently 6:21 AM, and my flight was at 7. Since I haven't seen my girl in a few, I decided to have her drop me off at the airport.

I gave her my keys too so she can go back and watch Ella for me, even though I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be back before January rolls in good.

"Not even a week, just a few days honestly." I mumbled while scrolling through my IG feed, liking a few posts. "You just don't want a Georgia boo, huh?"

I chuckle at her question before swiping out of the app, dropping my phone in my lap. "No. I tried with them."


"I knowwwww... It needs to warm back up outside, so I can remember who the hell I am." I stressed while running a hand through my hair, Breia glancing over at me with a look on her face.

"No it does not because this'll only get worse."

"Girl please, I'm not flying out to see nobody else." I replied, glancing over at her in return she side-eyed me which led to us both laughing.

"We both know what caused this though—."

"—shut upppp." I groan while covering my ears, she chuckled in response while turning down the radio. "You know I'm right."

"You're not. That is not what caused this."

"Then what is?" She asked me while glancing between me and the road continuously, waiting for an answer. "Me being ready for something new."

"Mmmmmmm." She hummed, and I automatically knew what she was saying. "Stop making me think about it, I don't feel like stalking her socials again."

"She's still not replying?"

"No. I even changed my name on Netflix." I pout with a small frown, she just sighed while looking over at me. "Every time I say I'm not gonna beg her to talk to me, I end up doing it. Making me feel crazy as fuck." I frowned at the thought while glancing out at the traffic ahead of us.

"You changed your name on Netflix—."

"—shut up, I just want her to talk to me." I huffed while crossing my ankles and arms, Breia sighing again but this time harder. "Well... ima let you in on a lil secret.."

"I don't wanna—."

"—she be watching my story." She finished, my head snapped over. "But, she only watches it whenever I post you."

I looked at her with a straight face, not knowing what to say at the exact moment. "If you're lying, ima snatch the fuck outta that wheel, Rhyan."

"I'm notttt, I swear she watches you as much as you watch her—."

"—I think she hid her story from me, because I never see anything anymore." I grumble while picking up my phone, going to check her page again. "See, now you got me in my feelings."

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