Chapter 1

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There is a legend that if you call the number 666 you will die in the next 3 weeks , but this knowledge was of no importance to Fredrick Diamond. It all started when fredericks friend dared him to call the number 666....

"It will be fun," he said as they walked home from school, "maybe we will talk to the devil himself." "Maybe, but what if he kills us?" Frederick wondered out loud.

"If he does then you die."

"Well, Duh, dumb ass, I mean what if the legend is true that you will die in the next 3 weeks?" "Well, then you die, it's not my fault if you choose to actually call it." He said as they walked past the cemetery. Frederick's house was at the top of the hill by the cemetery so he was used to walking by without getting scared. But something felt off tonight like there was someone watching him. He wasn't used to the feeling but he shrugged it off though something was off.

When he got home his sister Ruby, who was a year younger than him, greeted him with a hug. "How was your day?," Ruby asked as they started walking to the living room. "Good I was with Leo," Frederick said. As Ruby said how her day was, Frederick realised she had a black eye ."Who did this to you?" Fred asked. "Just a bully." "Who," asked Frederick "where is he now?"

"His name is John and he did nothing. He just punched me because he was mad, he just thought I thought he sucked and he punched me."

"Nothing," Frederick said sarcastically "He punched you, that is not cool." "I'm going to find him," Frederick said as he walked out the door.

Frederick had no idea where he was going so he decided to go to the park where he had many fights with John and where John lurked all the time. John always stalked people there and was arrested many times and let go because there was no evidence to put him in jail. But Frederick knew that he had killed and kidnapped many people and he had not just killed he had mutilated the bodies and left many clues that it was him but the police being the police did not make the connections and John is still roaming free killing and mutilating people.

Frederick arrived at the park and to his surprise ,John was sitting on a swing and singing while listening to Eminem. As Frederick silently went up behind him but to his surprise " What brings you here Frederick? John asked he looked nervous but Frederick didn't answer. He just kept getting closer and closer "I just wanna ask why did you hit my sister?" Frederick asked silently, getting angrier and angrier. "What do you mean I didn't punch her, a friend of mine did" John said "She told me that you punched her" "Well... um... My friend is also named John..yeah

that's it ""Yeah ~sure~" Frederick said "Ok so I get why you're mad but she deserved it!" John exclaimed "How?" Frederick then asked "Simple she was in my way so I punched her" John then said "The hell?" Frederick asked but then walked back to his house.

As Frederick walked back to his house he was wondering why John would say that because he knew he didn't have friends he also looked nervous like he couldn't talk about it. Also, John doesn't have any friends because everyone's scared of him and he's an orphan so why say that? When he got home he was surprised by how quiet it was. "Mom, Ruby you guys hear?" Frederick said that and when he got no response he went into the kitchen to grab a snack but when he got there he saw a note on the kitchen counter it read

Dear Frederick, your sister and I went out to get groceries. We called you but you didn't pick up. Please note that there is food in the fridge, pantry, and freezer. We will be back late probably by 9:00 so don't worry and if we aren't we will be back tomorrow morning.

Frederick recognised it as his mother's handwriting so he trusted her and started playing Call Of Duty on his PlayStation then he played Apex Legends. Then he got a text from his friend Ryder.

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