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"You two, stop teasing your brother. Eat your food. You will be late if you don't hurry."

Mom scolded them.

"Yes, mommy."

The two sisters replied, and we started to eat our breakfast.

As always, it was delicious.

After a hearty breakfast, it was time for Otis and his sisters to get ready for school. As they were putting on their shoes, Otis suddenly felt the urge to relieve himself.

"Mom, I need to pee," he called out to his mother, who was busy packing his lunches.

"I understand, dear. Go ahead and pee," she said as her mouth was spread open like a woman's vagina, and Otis inserted his penis inside it.
As Otis let loose a stream of warm urine, his mother's cheeks bulged as she took it all in, swallowing every last drop.

"Thank you for the meal, honey. It's always so delicious," she said, licking her lips and wiping her mouth with her apron.

"You're welcome, mom. I love you," Otis said, hugging his mother tightly.

At first, Otis was confused by his mother's request for him to urinate in her mouth. 
However, he later learned that this was apparently a form of gifted education that introduced him to the idea that oral sex could be enjoyable, much like the pleasure associated with defecation.

"Hurry up, Otis!"

"Yes, yes, I'm coming."

I hurriedly put on my shoes, and I grabbed my bag.

"Well, let's go, shall we?"

We all headed out the door.

"Be careful on the way home, okay?" Mom called out from the doorway.

"Don't worry, mom. We'll be fine," I replied, trying to sound confident.


My sisters and I waved goodbye as we set off.

The road to the school was lined with trees, their branches bare and brittle. The sky was gray and overcast, and the air was heavy with the scent of impending rain.

After passing through a residential area in about five minutes, we entered a shopping district that seemed to be lively.

Women were conspicuous among the shopkeepers and customers, but men were occasionally seen. However, most of the men were with what appeared to be family members, and the only ones acting alone were the elderly.
It was clear that this was a society dominated by women and that men were now a minority.

Occasionally, voices would fly in from the storefronts. A woman at the grocery store suddenly called out:
"Good morning, Miss Lily!"
"Good morning, Miss Rose!"
"Good morning, Otis!"
"Good morning."
It was a familiar greeting, and I couldn't help but smile as we made our way through the crowded streets.
"I wonder if it'll snow today."
Rose said as she gazed at the sky.
"I hope not."
"Yeah. We just got over the last storm."
"Let's hope the weather stays clear."
"Yeah. Snow would really slow things down."

As we turned the corner onto the main road, I saw Lily pick up the pace. "Come on, guys, we're going to be late!" she called out over her shoulder.


I quickened my step, feeling the burn in my legs as we rushed towards the school.
It was a relatively large school. The building was in a traditional style with a red brick exterior, and the grounds were immaculately landscaped. 
The only co-ed school in the city. The ratio of male to female students is about 1:7. 
There were several different buildings for the various grades, each with its own unique character. The main building was where the classrooms were located, and it was surrounded by a sprawling green lawn dotted with trees. The building was two stories high and had a sloping roof. The walls were a pristine white color, and the windows were large and arched. The building was surrounded by a tall wrought-iron fence that kept the world outside at bay.
We passed through the gates and made our way to the front entrance. There was a flurry of activity as students and teachers hurried to get inside before the rain started. The doors opened, and we were met with the smell of wet pavement and freshly cut grass. The halls were bustling with people, and the noise level was nearly deafening.

We made our way through the crowd and headed towards our respective classrooms.

"See you at lunch, Otis!" Rose called out as she disappeared into the throng of students.

"See you then," I replied, waving her off.

"Well, see you in a bit." Lily gave me a quick hug before rushing off.
"See you."

I smiled as I watched her go before turning and making my way to my own classroom.
It was a small classroom with only twenty students. The teacher's desk was in the front of the room, and the desks and chairs were arranged in neat rows.

The classroom was filled with a mix of male and female students. They were chatting and laughing, and there was an excited buzz in the air.

As I made my way to my seat, I couldn't help but overhear some of the conversations about me. 
"Oh, there's Otis."
"Damn, this is so handsome."
"I wish he was my brother."
I ignored the whispers and took my seat.
The bell rang, and the teacher walked in, interrupting the whispers.

"Good morning, class."

"Good morning, Mrs. Takanashi."

Mrs. Takanashi was a middle-aged woman in her thirties. She had a slender figure, and she wore her blonde hair up in a bun. She had a stern face and piercing blue eyes, and her lips were painted a deep red. She was wearing a white blouse and a long black skirt. She had a no-nonsense attitude and was strict with the students.

"Alright, settle down."

She placed her bag on the desk and stood in front of the class.

"Alright. Today, we will be having a lesson on the bodily fluids of human males."
"Not again…"
"What a pain."
"Come on, Mrs., can't we just skip sexual education?"
Mrs. Takanashi stood in front of a whiteboard, holding up a chalkboard pointer, as her class complained about her teaching style. A small smile graced her lips as she listened to their complaints.

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