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next morning

Dunk was sleeping. Mix come to check him. He looked pale
Dunk open his eyes .mix checked Dunk had high fever
Mix called joong and asked him to come home

Joong was with his gf .he got a call from his pa .he thought his pa was sick, so he immediately ran to his house

At house

Joong rushed to check his pa
Mix come from joongdunk's room

Joong asked about his pa health

Mix said he is okay
Joong sighed in relief
Mix asked him where he was ?

Joong did not say anything
Mix knows that he was with his gf

Mix already  asked  Dunk about this
But he said he had work, so he went earlier

Mix said joong to take good care of   Dunk he had a high fever,

Joong nodded and went to his room to  check Dunk

Dunk was in the bathroom. He came after some time later and saw joong, who was sitting on the sofa

Joong said, "Dunk  to rest he had already called Dr Jimmy." He will be here soon

Dunk nodded

Joong thinks he was just pretending to be sick,

Joong asked him why he told his pa  about not being here at night

Dunk said he did not say this to his pa

Joong did not believe him .

Dr .Jimmy came and checked Dunk
He gave medicine to him and said he had a very high fever. If he did not decrease, he had to be admitted to the hospital

Joong nodded. He believed now that Dunk was seriously sick,

He came to check Dunk. He saw that he was sleeping. He sat on the sofa

Joong came to Dunk and checked his forehead.

Dunk was taking in his sleep

Dunk : I like you joong

Joong was confused
He was thinking if Dunk married him just for money or love
He was thinking, "Then Mix came to check if joong was taking care of Dunk or not

Joong said not to worry. I will take good care of him .I will not go anywhere

Mix smiled and went back to his room

Aou and Pond was in the market

Pond had to buy some stuff

Aou was very bored but pond was continued to buy clothes
Aou was just following him around

Phuwin was not working today
Because his company's CEO was on leave so he was buying some kitchen stuff with Boom

Phuwin saw a beautiful red pot he wanted it so he went to that shop

Pond was buying stuff he also saw the same red pot, so he also went to that shop

Pond and Phuwin both hold red pot at the same time and look at each other

Both shouted
You ! Again

Pond said he wanted it. Phuwin said the same
Pond said he held it before him
Phuwin said he held ot before

They were fighting like kids,
Shopkeeper looks at them and said to stop fighting
He had another one you both can have it

Aou and boom came after seeing their brothers fighting

Aou saw boom he was happy his crush he finally saw him again but he had to stop his stupid brother Pond first

He was fighting like a kid
Aou was done with his brothers
Boom was also trying to stop Phuwin

Boom said boy next to phuwin
Can you please stop your brother? I am trying my best to stop my brother

Aou was feeling like he won the world. Finally, he made eye contact with his crush, and his crush talked to him

He smiled and said I am trying my best to stop my brother

He stopped looking at his crush and again tried to stop his dumb brother
Who was fighting over a pot

Their fight was insane. Shopkeeper came with another pot

Aou and boom looked at each other and smiled

They thought finally this war was over
But Pond and phuwin both said
They want only this pot, which was in their hand

Pond said to phuwin to give him this pot he should have got another one, which was in the shopkeepers hand

But phuwin denied

Aou and boom looks done with both
They again started to fight

Shopkeeper said he had another customer, too  he said he will not going to give pot to two of you

Pond and Phuwin were looking like they would kill each other

Aou grabbed Pond, and Boom did the same

No one got pot

Pond was angry with him .phuwin said if he saw him again, he would kill him

Joong was still confused after hearing that Dunk liked him

Dunk was feeling good now .mix come to him and said he saw joong was beside him all night

Dunk was shocked after knowing this
Then he thought he was sick, that's why he took good care of him .he  will act like before

Joong came to his room . Dunk said thanks to him .Joong said him to come and had breakfast

He came and joong said he wanted Dunk to meet his friends

Dunk and mix were shocked. He suddenly behaves well

Dunk smiled and went to change his clothes

Phiwin was still frustrated

When Pond looked okay aou told him about his crush

Pond looked at his brother and said who ?
That boy who is always ready to fight with me

Aou rolled his eyes and said no, his brother, while smiling

Pond said okay whatever

Aou said Why did you fight with his crush's brother
Bro, you ruined my first impression in front of my crush  boom

Pond said you know his name

He said the boy you were busy fighting over a pot said his name

Pond said okay, do what you want and went to his room

Aou was stressed, he thought because of his stupid brother
What if he never meets with boom

That's it for today. I hope you all like it. See you all tomorrow. Take care 🙂

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