Chapter 4: Twisted Secrets

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"Someone broke into the crime scene?!" William shouted at his smartwatch. "Who the hell was it?!"

"I don't know!" Cheng was on the other side of the screen, he seemed panicked. "The security alarm suddenly went off and all I saw was someone running away!"

"Darn it!" William ended the call, quickly putting the coordinates for teleportation. "Charlie, tell Dae to meet me at Dioré's office, quick! I'll head there first!"

Charlie nodded, turning on his smartphone. William teleported away split seconds later.

"Dae!" Charlie finally managed to contact Dae. "William needs you at Céline's office right this instant!"

"I've heard about the break-in! I'm going there!" Dae answered, and immediately hung up after that.

"Warning. Emergency lockdown activated."


William got teleported to the surveillance room while Dae headed to the master office.

"No signs of any intruder." William checked the endless amount of cameras around the office. "But I can tell that someone did break into the master office."

"Dae, are you there?" William called Dae through his smartwatch.

"Where are you?" Dae said.

"You don't have to know. Anything interesting?"

"Well, there are no signs of forced entry here, so I wonder-" Dae cut off his words after seeing something on the floor. "There's a camera! The intruder might've knocked it down while trying to run away!"

"Great! Send it Amber's way, then!"

"On it!" Dae called Amber to dispatch a portal, sending the camera to her.

"What's that near your foot, Dae?" William looked through the camera.

"Where?" Dae looked below him and found a document. "It's a contract with Cheng Li's name on it, but someone wrote, 'Li, you are a scammer! I'll report you!'"

"Someone's untrustworthy towards that man, huh?"

"I think so. I'll have to let Charlie know."

"Alright. See you in the station.-"

"Hey! What are you doing here?!"

William turned around to see Michelle found his whereabouts. "Hey, Michelle."

"Mr. Grayson, this is a restricted room! Get out!"

"Alright, alright, jeez. Astra, to the station."


William teleported himself to Amber's office, where she, Dae and Ethan-who sat down on Amber's chair while recovering from his cold-were waiting.

"Where have you been?" Amber asked-such a polite way to greet someone. "I couldn't track down your location in the last few hours."

"Somewhere near Next Level to clear my mind off things. That's all." William responded shortly.

"Huh, alright then." Amber turned her focus back to her tablet.

William finally noticed Ethan sitting in Amber's chair. "What are you doing here?"

Ethan sneezed, letting out a soft laugh. "Recovering from my cold."

"You still look fit to me."

"Yeah, I just need to take a little break."

"You know what, Ethan, you look even cuter in this very condition."

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