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(A/N: This story is based on true people, and a few true events that have happened in my life. This is a small story showcasing my friends and other classmates, and making it a bit funner to read! Enjoy!)

Nikki POV:

I remember the first pokemon I ever got. It was an Eevee. My friends, they had caught or hatched them. Rovi had hatched her gibble that now is a garchomp. Hazel, had caught a ralts in route one. Fie got her pokemon from professer oak when we went to kanto, same with Zola. Fie got a Water type squirtle and Zola chose a Charmander.

I was scared of pokemon before. Mostly bigger ones like skarmory or Incinaroar. What scared me the most was the gigantimaxed pokemon. Anyway, my eevee hatched from an egg that I had gotten from professer Juniper. It then evolved into a Sylveon. I loved him.

I just had started my first year of high school and I had made some pretty good friends. My two childhood friends Rovi and Hazel were in the same class, but my other two childhood friends, Fie and Zola were in the class next to us, however we had same lunch times and break times.

It was before school and the breeze was warm and the trees were beautiful. I was sitting on a bench and Hazel was sitting next to me. Rovi was standing in a middle of a battle between two of my friends, Ace and Hanzo.

"No! Greeninja!... Return" Hanzo said, returns his pokemon. Ace was on his last pokemon too, it was a Lucario, while Hanzos last pokemon was A zoroark. "Come on Lucario! You can do it!" Ace hyped up his Lucario. I look next to me and sitting next to me was Neo and Roger. Neo held his Eevee or soon-to-be leafeon. And while sitting on my left was Hazel, Fie and Zola. I had only caught two pokemon which are frosslass and a dartrix that had evolved from a Rowlett, from the second time I went to the alola region. The bell rang, and the battle was half way done. we all groaned. "oh, what the fuck. Perfect timing-" Rovi swore and called off the battle.

We walk into class and start our first lesson: science. It was boring for the first part but it became more fun overall. We then had two more lessons until lunch.

"Mannnnn, I'm sooo hungryyyy" Hazel complained. we had one more lesson left, which was spanish with a pedo teacher, we have to sit through an hour long, but thats okay. I sit in lesson while the teacher was talking. I zone out while the teacher is explaining the assignment.

Man, I feel like everyone knows what they wanna become. Zola and Fie wanting to become gym leaders, replacing Gym leader Chili and gym Cress from the Striaton City Gym, Cilan is also a gym leader there, but I don't think he's gonna get replaced sooner or later. Hazel already is a pokemon doctor in training, while Rovi is going to-

"-ki! Nikki!!" I hear someone yelling my name, It was my teacher. "Nikki, are you even paying attention?" My teacher asks me. "Uh yeah!" I lie. "Okay, Then conjugate Habla."

I freeze, I didn't know how to conjugate at all. "Uh, Hablo, Hablas, Habla, Hablamos, Hablais and Hablan?" I say, I don't even know if that was right or not. He stares at me with an intimedating look, or he tried to, he looked more like a bald rattata who found out it as no cheese left. The more I thought about him looking like a rattata, the more I had the urge to laugh. "Good job." He said and turned away back to the board. I sigh and I look to Rovis direction, I give her a relief look and she gave me a teasing look.


Lunch time rolled around, Rovi, Hazel and I sit outside on the grassy field and we take out our lunches. We see Zola and Fie from a distance, we wave at them. They see us and they come running towards us.

"Heyyyy" I say to both of them. Zola and Fie sit down and waved back at me. "Yooo! brooo, Maths is so goddamn boring!" Zola complains while she takes a bite out of her sandwich. "I know right! Mr. Grass can't even fuckin' teach!!" Rovi agreed. I take out my pokeballs and brought out my Sylveon. "Veon!" He cried. I smile and pet his soft fur. "Ohhh Speaking of" Rovi brought out her huge Garchomp. "Hey Big boy, wanna eat?" She asks, we all laugh at her funny remark. The rest decided to take out one of their pokemons too. Hazel took out her Kirlia, Zola's Charizard comes out of her pokeball on her own and Fie's worturtle also comes out on its own. "Looks like they are hungry too I guess-" Fie says. "Pfft yeah."

"Yoo, Mind if we sit here?" We hear a familliar voice. It was Ace and his gang. "UHHH YES WE DO" Rovi scoffs. They sit with us anyway. "OH OH OH I AM SO FOKING EXCITED" Rovi squeals with excitment, as we all look at her in confusion. "Why?" Neo asks, his Eevee crawling up his arm and rested in his shoulder as he spoke. "What do you mean why!! Bro I am meeting Iris!!" Aces eyes widened. "What- Why!! The champion!" "HAHA I get to train with her!" Right I remember now. It was that time we were at the park or something, it was the five of us. Rovi was telling us about something...


We walk through the park, it was a nice weather for being in the Unova region. I look over to my right and see Rovi talking to the others. I had just realized that I was compleatly zoned out, not hearing what she had said, I start listening to them. "I had seen the world coronation series, and oh my fucking goddd Ash ketchum pisses me offf, I think I would make a better monarch, dontcha think?" I chuckle at the remark she made. But I did agree with her for the most part, she does make a good champion and a monarch.


He is quite strong. Stronger than Rovi. Yes she is strong but, she's gotta train more to beat Ash, yknow?

I felt tapping on my shoulder. It was Fie who was tapping my shoulder. I guess I zoned out again.

"Nik? Are you okay?" Fie asks me. I nod.

"I just have wayy too much in my head right now, sorry."

"I heard you were talking about a good friend of mine" we all turn around. And we were met with quite a surprise.

"IRIS?!" We all yell out of surprise. Never in my life would I think I would meet the Unova champion.

I look at Rovi. She looked frozen out of surprise. Or like she had seen a ghost.

"Could I battle you?" Rovi asks, clearly not thinking before.

"Rovi you can't ask that!" Fie tells her.

"Oh but I can" She says. I give a subtle laugh.

I look as Iris, she is in deep thought.

"Yknow what, meet me at the gym, wednesday kay?"

We all look at her, baffled. No way did the champion of Unova let a random girl battle her. She says her bye's and when she was gone, we look at Rovi.

"Could someone explain what happened? Rovi what the hell!" Hazel Yells. Rovi just shrug.




I blink twice. Did I zone out again? I look up to see the whole group staring at me.

"Nikki, Are you okay? You've been zoning out alot lately." Hanzo asks me. I shrug. "I mean I guess." They all look at me, not so convinced by my answer. "Tell me once you feel like it okay?" Zola tells me. I nod.

As we kept on eating lunch, I notice Ace and Rovi arguing constantly. They often get shipped with each other, mostly because they are pretty close, but we all know that they don't like each other and never will. Plus, Rovi has already broken up with her shitty as ex, so she decided to go solo from now on.

"Ooooohhh, Oi Ace, you should confess to her!" We hear an annoying voice; It was Darwinn. He can never mind is own business at all and makes fun of people 'cause he thinks he is superior.

"Has your oshowatt evolved yet?" Rovi askes him, clearly annoyed. Darwinn stayed quiet. "Tch, fuckin' knew it, look who is the weakling now, fucker, tsk tsk"

They day ended, thankfully, no one ended dying the whole day, however, we did get a shit ton of homework from Mr. Grass.

Whilst I was wating for Zola and Fie along with my other friends, I just decided,

to sit back and listen wo some good spotify songs while waiting...


5 little aggression problems (A pokemon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now