Chapter 5 THE MIRROR'S CALL Episode 1 The Encounter With Ethan

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Episode 1
The Encounter With Ethan

Emma trudged wearily into her room at Avaloria Academy, the events of the day weighing heavily on her mind. She collapsed onto her bed, exhaustion washing over her as she replayed the day's incidents in her head.

Suddenly, a flashback of Angel Sameul's words pierced through her thoughts, jolting her back to the present. She remembered his cryptic message about the Old Angelic Diary hidden somewhere in her room. With a sense of urgency, Emma sat up, determination sparking within her.

"That diary! Where could it be?" she muttered to herself, her mind racing with possibilities. She knew that it held the key to unlocking the mysteries of her past, and she was determined to find it.

Emma began to search her room, methodically scouring every nook and cranny for any sign of the elusive diary. Despite her thorough efforts, she came up empty-handed, frustration mounting with each passing moment.

Refusing to give up, Emma turned her attention to the books lining her shelves, hoping to find some clue hidden among their pages. Amidst the rows of dusty tomes, her fingers brushed against a book that felt different from the others. Pulling it out, she noticed that its cover was blank, save for a single word inscribed on the first page.

The word shimmered faintly, its meaning obscured by an enchantment that prevented Emma from deciphering its true significance. Frowning in confusion, she tried to sound it out, but the letters danced before her eyes, refusing to be read.

An idea struck her then, and she hurriedly brought the book to the mirror hanging on her wall. As she held it up, the word's reflection became clear, and Emma felt a surge of excitement as she finally understood its meaning.

"Miruvor," she whispered, the word echoing softly in the stillness of the room. And as she spoke it, the blank book transformed before her eyes, its pages filling with ancient script and intricate illustrations.

Emma's heart raced as she flipped through the pages of the newly revealed Old Angelic Diary, her eyes scanning the unfamiliar words and symbols. It felt like a puzzle waiting to be solved, a mystery begging to be unraveled.

Suddenly, a memory flashed in her mind, and Emma's breath caught in her throat. She remembered seeing this diary before, in the abandoned building in her world. It was the same one that had haunted her dreams and sparked her curiosity, and now it lay before her, its secrets waiting to be uncovered.

Turning the pages with trembling hands, Emma's eyes landed on a particular page, a folded piece of paper tucked between its ancient parchment. With trembling fingers, she carefully unfolded it, her heart pounding in anticipation.
As she read the words written on the paper, Emma's breath caught in her throat. It was something translated by Magical Emma, her parallel self.
Emma's heart pounded with excitement and trepidation as she read the translated Old Angelic Language inscribed on the page before her. Each word seemed to hold a weighty significance, and she felt a sense of urgency building within her as she pieced together the prophecy's cryptic message.

"In a prophecy whispered by ancient tongues, a girl of dual essence shall emerge. With blood both angelic and infernal, she will possess the power to unlock forbidden gates. Yet, her choices will determine the world's fate, as her actions may either herald salvation or unleash destruction upon all."

The words sent shivers down Emma's spine, and she couldn't help but wonder what role she was meant to play in this grand design. Was she truly the girl of dual essence spoken of in the prophecy? And if so, what did it mean for her future?

Lost in thought, Emma almost missed the second message inscribed on the paper: "PROCEDURE FOR MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION." Intrigued, she read on, her eyes widening in surprise as she absorbed the instructions laid out before her.

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