CHAPTER 6 BRIDGING REALMS Episode 1 Revelation and Resolution

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Episode 1
Ordinary Emma's determination radiated from her as she pressed, "Something must be the reason why he is locked here, right?"

Magical Emma regarded her counterpart with a mixture of understanding and frustration. "Yes, there is a reason," she admitted, her voice softening slightly. "But you don't know what it is."

Ordinary Emma's brow furrowed in confusion. "If you know, explain it to me," she demanded, her tone edged with determination.

Magical Emma took a long breath, her expression a blend of reluctance and resolve. "Fine. Let me tell you," she began, her voice tinged with bitterness. "He is locked there for a reason, a thousand years of punishment inflicted upon him. Why? Because his parents dared to unveil the future, to predict what the heavens wished to keep hidden. Their foresight unsettled the balance, and for that, they paid with their lives."

Ordinary Emma listened intently, absorbing the weight of Magical Emma's words. "So, Ethan bears the burden of his parents' actions," she surmised, a glimmer of empathy shining in her eyes.

Magical Emma nodded, her gaze heavy with sorrow. "Indeed. He is condemned by association, branded as a threat to the very fabric of our world. But is it fair? Is it just?" she mused, her voice tinged with righteous indignation. "Locked away, denied freedom and companionship, all for a crime he did not commit."

Ordinary Emma's resolve hardened as she processed the injustice of Ethan's plight. "So, that's the reason why you are helping him?" she echoed, her voice ringing with conviction. "If he's been wronged by the whims of fate, then it's a duty to right that wrong, to break the chains of injustice and set him free."

Magical Emma's eyes gleamed with admiration as she looked upon her counterpart. "Exactly," she affirmed, a sense of camaraderie blossoming between them.
All of them were silent for a short while. Then, just as Ordinary Emma was about to speak, her door creaked open, and in walked Magical Aria, her presence drawing immediate attention.

"Emma..." Aria began, her voice trailing off as her eyes landed on the mirror. Confusion and surprise danced across her features as she approached, her gaze fixed on the surreal sight before her.

"What's this?" Aria finally managed to utter, her voice tinged with curiosity and apprehension.

Ordinary Emma took a deep breath, her expression a mix of apology and explanation. "I know you're shocked. Let me explain," she offered, her tone gentle yet earnest as she explained the extraordinary events for which she ended up here.

Magical Aria stood speechless, her mind reeling with disbelief at the revelation. She struggled to reconcile the image of her friend with the notion that there existed another version of her, living in a parallel world.

"You were here for more than a week; why didn't you say this to me? You were fooling us. How can you do this?" Magical Aria's voice trembled with a mix of hurt and frustration, her words pouring out in a torrent of emotion.

On hearing Magical Aria's accusatory tone, Ordinary Aria felt a surge of protectiveness towards her friend. "You can't talk to my friend like that," she interjected firmly, her voice laced with conviction. "I know you don't have a good relationship with Emma, but the Emma standing beside me . And the Emma who is standing with you is my friend. Don't you dare to talk to her in such a tone."

Magical Aria recoiled slightly, taken aback by the stern rebuke from her parallel counterpart. She glanced at Ordinary Emma, a pang of guilt tugging at her heart as she registered the hurt in her friend's eyes.

"Are you... Are you okay?" Magical Aria's voice softened, her concern evident as she addressed Magical Emma through the mirror, her eyes reflecting genuine worry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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