1. Born of eclipse

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Man running wildly in the woods. There is no sign of light as moon hide itself in deep dark aura. Rain is pouring out like mother nature herself crying. Only pitter patter sound of rain is echoing in the woods. Long bang and crack sound of thunder lighting once in a while leave only light to giving view of this never-ending forest.

The man is completely worn out by running, with a trace his exhausted body bumped into a log, he trembled down and fall flat on the ground with a loud thud. But he kept his both hands on his mouth to not leave a single sound. Leaving his one hand on his mouth to not skip any painful whimper he reached his other hand to touch his ankle which is seem broken and bleeding as he touched. He tried to get up by putting his weight on the other ankle but failed terribly. Before he could tired:

A group of masked men appeared drenching in the unceasing rain and he flinched and felt a knot in his throat leaving him at a state unable to breathe or utter a single word. The group of masked men started to take small steps towards him enchanting some spells. He is trying his best to run with all the remaining straight he has but all he doing is, slide his weight with his palms. All the mask man made a circle around him standing one by one at a handful distance and a man step out from the group and lower himself down to match other's level. He's gazing with his black irise on his others eyes which now filled with tears of horror. The masked man took something from his side pocket in his palm and forwarded in front of other man and blow dust cloud in his face. As the dust hit the man's face, he passed out.

The masked group raucous the spell and made a magical halo effect circle above the ground, moving in lighting speed and everyone evaporate from there in thin air.


"Haaaaaaah~ ahhhh~ agggh~

A woman screaming in labour pain trying hard to breathe in rhythm as suggested. A midwife put a wet cloth on his forehead to ease his pain and melt down her temperature.

"Royal highness just two more push."

Once more time she collected herself and push again and again until a 'wahh~ nehh~' sound echoed in abandoned hall. She passed out a second ago after giving birth.

After cleaning all the blood, midwife wrap the baby in the soft white cloth who's sleeping now.

"Royal highness"

A maid whisper near woman's ear to wake her up from deep unconsciousness holding baby softly into her arms.

Hearing mumble, she slowly opened her tired eyes and cautiously took a peek at the beautiful baby in front of her. Her eyes filled with happy tears. She asked to hold the baby. Maid help her to sit comfortably to hold her precious baby. She Cressing her baby's head with great warmth of love.

"Royal highness, we have blessed with our future king."

Just as maid informed about baby's gender the closed window started to open it's own making creepy sounds. Wind blowing dementedly through all over windows giving chill to everyone. Smiley faces converted into gloomy one. Although rain has stopped at time of birth but thunder lighting still striking outside. Everyone shook at first but The lady instructed maids to close all the windows. They did but a deep quietness covered the happy environment of the room.

A sudden knock appear on the door.
Maids looking each other's face in complete disbelief. They turned their faces towards the women she gestured to open it. One maid made her way to the door and opened. There was a man in his 30's belongs to a high rank inform something to her which give her utter shock, her legs became jolly, throat dried, lump form in her vocal cord. She immediately closed the door behind her. Assuming her condition woman summon her to come in front of her.

"Who was there? Why you become so numb?"

Lady stare settle on maid trying to sense or to know the answer behind her restlessness.

"Royal highness! O-our.. our king is missing from palace... They took our king"

The lady stunned with the given information. She took some time to process everything then order maids to arrange assembly and gave new born to the elder maid to hold. Few maid went outside the hall to inform high ranker to arrival of the queen. Other maid made bath for queen.
Queen place her crown on her head graceful and left that place. She summon every high ranker to be at the meeting hall. As she arrived everyone bowed her to show their respect. She went straight to sit on the throne next to king's throne. Just as she settled everyone also had their seats.

"Royal highness! Our king is missing from the pala..."

Queen cut him off by her deep voice.

"Instead of information, I want our king at our territory as soon as possible. This meeting is ends here now leave!"

Everyone inside the meeting hall stood up and bowed again then left from there leaving queen alone on the throne.

A maid hesitantly came in front of her and said,

"Royal highness! Mrs. Marcella is willing to meet you."

"At this time?" Queen mumbled under her breathe then order maid to summon her.

Mrs. Marcella came inside the meeting hall and bowed in front of queen. Queen gestured her to take a seat.

"Mrs. Marcella what brings you to meet at this hour?"

"Royal highness pardon! I know this is not the appropriate time to discuss anything but I wanted to inform you T-That... t-they have came!"

Queen's eyes widened in utter shock.
Hand started to shiver, sweat drop started to form on forehead, face became pale. She felt lump in his throat before she could react any further that lady continued.

"Royal highness there was a eclipse ongoing when our prince born. Although we had spellbound to hide his existence after birth but we have to hide him before they could find us."

Queen and Mrs. Marcella standing still brainstorming about the upcoming horror. Queen called a maid to summon Anna with new born.

"Royal highness"

She bowed but sense negative aura around them before she could ask further.

"Anna You have been in this palace since the day Royal highness born. You always been faithful and loyal to us. Today is the day I want your loyalty to our kingdom and for this helpless mother"

Hearing her queen broken word she startled.

"Royal highness pardon?"

"Anna you need to leave from here with our prince now"

Queen's words shook her to the core. She doesn't want to separate new born from his mother in any kind of urgency.

"R-royal highness but-tt....."

Before she could speak a word next queen cut off her sentence.

"The last thing I'm asking to you Mother! Please save my son"

She bowed and leave with the new born leaving queen standing there lifeless tears started to form in the corner of the eyes but the rage in side her heart couldn't let her shred a single tear.

"Royal highness You took the right decision"

Mrs. Marcella said standing behind queen seeing Anna marching towards the door then exit like she wasn't here before.

Queen left form there immediately to her chamber leaving Mrs. Marcella to proceed further.


Hello sweethearts.
This is the third story in the row and hoping this will show its charm.
I didn't disclose any of character specifically but try to fill your knowledge in the second chapter
So shower your love and feel free to correct anywhere you want.

As you know we all are learn something new so
If you like to explore ancient mythology and facts then comment down below.
We'll explore together.


(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥Purple you(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

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