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2 Months Later...

Jennie sighed as she stared at her phone, perhaps waiting for a certain someone to reply to her message. She was waiting at a restaurant Taehyung had asked her to.

Has she been stood up?

Ever since the announce of their official relationship, they started drifting apart. At first, nothing was wrong. But then one day, boom.

After almost a day of not contacting each other, not that there was a fight or anything, Taehyung asked Jennie to meet at a restaurant.

Now that Jennie has been waiting for 2 hours, she had enough. She quickly sent a message to Taehyung notifying him that if he didn't show, she was leaving.

Still no reply.

Jennie sighed for what seemed like the 589 time that day. She grabbed her purse and left the restaurant. A number of eyes followed the girl as she stepped into cab wearing a scarlet dress.


Taehyung sighed as he put his phone down.

Was I a horrible person?

Yes, and he knew that. He stood her up and cheated on her. "Babe? What are you doing?" A girl wearing nothing but her undergarments climbed into the bed with Taehyung.

"Nothing." Taehyung's reply was short and cold. The girl frowned. "It's Jennie isn't it? You shouldn't have stood her up you know?" Taehyung looked at the girl.

"I know babygirl. But she played with my heart, so I'm just revenging." Taehyung said, kissing Irene's head.

Irene giggled. But deep down, she knew this was wrong.

Jennie sat in her bed and cried her heart out. Taehyung had been so distant lately. Whenever they interacted, Taehyung would barely speak and he didn't even apologize for his actions from a few nights before.

Jennie cried harder just thinking about him.

Knock knock

Jennie quickly wipes her tears and forced a smile. "Com-me in!" Jennie's voice cracked.

Lisa stuck her head through the door. "You okay?" She whispered, sitting down on the bed with Jennie.

Jennie smiled. "Of course! Why would I not be?" Lisa chuckled. "Well, then who was crying so hard that the entire world could hear? The girls are worried for you Jennie." Jennie frowned.

"Taehyung." Lisa waited for her to continue. When she didn't, Lisa sighed before nodding.

Whenever Jennie was sad, she would only reply with one word answers. "That bad huh?" Jennie nodded.

"He's a jerk, and you know it. If it helps, I'll talk to Jungkook about it." Lisa patted the girls back while Jennie just continued sobbing.

Lisa and Jungkook had become friends after the collab between Taehyung and Jennie happened. They started seeing each other just before the elders started dating, though they are still hidden from the public.

Lisa hugged Jennie closely, letting the older girl cry onto her shoulder. "Shhh, it's gonna be alright."

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