Just Another Day

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"Isn't this band great Violet?"
I nod my head even though the band playing was relentlessly shitty. I had only agreed to come to this show to satisfy my best friend. She had always said that I needed to get out of my house more but there is something so comforting about the soft covers of my bed and the light from my laptop. Just the thought of concerts creeped me out. It's either a ton of sweaty, testosterone-driven men trying to prove something to themselves or a bunch of screaming teenagers. Especially in a dark,dingy club dark at night. Mandy assured me that only a few people would be at this concert and I'd be able to thoroughly enjoy myself. As much as I hated to admit it, it sounded like fun and I did love music.

"This is just the opening band though. The next band is the real shit. The released their first album last year I think. I never got a chance to listen to it but I heard its good stuff"

I sighed in relief knowing that I didn't have to listen to a crappy band my whole Friday evening.

"Do you know the band's name?"

"I'm pretty sure it's My Chemical Romance but don't quote me on that one"

Damn. That's one badass band name. The name instantly intrigued me. Something about that name just is like music to the ears. Maybe it means a infatuation with drugs? Or maybe it's referring to how every emotion we feel is just a bunch of chemical reactions going on in our head.

I shake my head as to forget the topic as I hear the band on the stage wish the "audience" goodnight. When Mandy said there wouldn't be many people here she definitely wasn't lying. The club must of had like 15 people, 20 max. Some of the men in the club started a pathetic mosh pit which looked more like a fight club for toddlers. There's a couple over there making out if you would call it that. They're one step away from giving us all a show we don't want to see. Well most of us anyway. Out of the corner of my eye I see the club owner appear on the stage.

"The next band that's going to play is a band called..."

He pauses and someone nudged him off stage and whispers to him.

"My Chemical Romance" he says very unenthusiastically.

The band comes on stage and scattered claps are distributed all throughout the club.

My eyes are instantly attracted to the lead singer. His eyeliner and smudged and his eyes are red. I can tell he's been crying. But yet there is something so...enchanting about him. I can't take my eyes off him.

"Hi we're My Chemical Romance and we'd like to dedicate this to me and my brother's grandmother who died a few weeks ago. I love you Elena. This song is called Demolition Lovers"

As the first note is played I feel goosebumps run up and down my body. The notes flow through my body and every word is speaking to me in a way I never thought possible. I don't what to do or feel. Crying is not appropriate in front of all these people and neither is dancing. I sit here nodding my head and listen to every word attentively. I had never been affected by music so deeply before. The song pulses through my veins and I am totally submersed is the emotion of the song.

Suddenly I lock eye contact with the lead singer. Something rushes through me. An emotion that I'd never experienced before. An emotion that I want to last forever. He seemed to sing right to me. I hadn't even noticed when the song ended. I clap enthusiastically
with a dumbfounded look on my face.

I soon realize that this would not just be another night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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