Chapter Two - Moonlit Escape

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          "You sure kid? That doesn't sound like a good idea," Shivara opposed.

          I chuckled, "Of course it's not a good idea, it's a great idea!" I replied.

          I tried everything I could to get the metal bars entrapping us apart, from trying to force them apart, to gnawing on them to weaken them. All I ended up with in this attempt was sore wrists and a few broken teeth. 

         I heard Shivara sigh from behind me, "Move," She demanded, "This is hard to watch."

         She came over to me and I stepped back. A mote of flame fired at the bars and they blew red hot. She ripped off a couple strips of fabric from the bedsheets, wrapping them around her hands. Shivara placed her hands on the now melted bars and pushed them apart, causing a space just big enough for the two of us to shimmy through.

         Grinning, I thanked her as she stepped out of the way.

          "Let's get a move on before we get caught," She grumbled, "Kiddos first."

          As I shuffled through, I peered down at my braided beard, it was grown to just below my waist, and I wondered if Shivara genuinely thought I was atomatoes

         "I'm already getting a little worried," I said to Shivara as she moved through the bars, "This feels a little too easy."

          She grabbed her staff and what's left if my lute in one hand, and my arm in her other, "It'll be a lot harder if we get caught, let's go."

          Shivara attempted to drag me away, but I spotted something that made me stop her. On Sheriff Donnie's desk, there was my stolen tomatoes, in a small leather bag. 

          I snatched the tomatoes, but the second they left the surface of the desk, a horrible, screeching alarm rang throughout the building.

          My thoughts went scrambled from the alarm, I quickly covered my ears in pain. The tomatoes slipped from my hands, hitting the floor, and being crushed by the impact. 

          Through the booming screech of the alarm, I could just barely hear the sheriff's usually soft voice harshly yell something at Shivara and I. The door slammed behind him, and Shivara's large hand gripped onto my arm.

          We ran to the nearest window frantically. I curled my hand into a fist and bashed in the window as hard as I can, the glass shards creating a stinging pain in my hand.

          I scrambled through the window, Shivara helping me up, and my hands getting cut up.

         Shivara turned to the incoming sheriff, the stout dragonborn inching closer to us by the second. I looked away for a split second, when suddenly, the earth started to shake and  tremor from beneath us. 

         I slipped, falling in the mud, onto my back. Luckily, I could hear this affected the sheriff as well, with a loud thump and pained yelp.

         I was soon followed by Shivara, whom landed much more smoothly than I, her feet both firmly on the ground, and she managed to avoid the many puddles of mud. She and I started to run to the nearest stable.

         The rain had started pouring even harder, the raindrops hitting the ground as hard as our footsteps.

         We eventually made it to the stables. "Get a wagon," Shivara yelled over the hammering rain, "I'll get a horse!" 

        I clambered to find a wagon that'd fit both of us. I found a cover wagon, a tad tattered, but hopefully large enough to fit two half-giants.

         Dragging the wagon behind me, I found Shivara, this time, with a goat. This goat was the size of a horse, nearly matching her height.

          I shot her a confused look, and she shrugged, "Don't like horses. Shifty eyes."

          I nodded, hastily putting the saddle on the goat and attaching the wagon.

        We quickly go in, Shivara in the driving seat, I in the back. The giant, scruffy goat pulled us, running as fast as it's hooves could take it.

        As the rain poured and we got farther, any sight of Sheriff Donnie or his office slowly disappeared, being replaced by trees.

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