Part 4

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Yn was standing at the back of the admin's block there was no one there except the vice principal.
Yn: Why did you call me here?
Vice Principal: Why didn't you open the thing I gave you?
Yn: I don't want and not even need to open it I know you're tricking me. You're not my father's friend. My dad never told me about you.
Vice Principal: You! So you're not going to listen to me huh? ( He said coming closer to her)
She took two steps back.
Yn: What do you think I will be blackmailed by you? Never and I know how to protect myself. ( she said coldly)
Vice Principal: You pretty little girl come here and stop talking.
Yn suddenly kicked on his private part and left from there leaving him groaning in pain. ..........
His eagle eyes had seen it all. He took out his phone and dialed a number.
V: Send me the address, I am waiting ( he said coldly, and the call ended)

When she reached home her self-control was broken, she was feeling very weak. Tears were constantly falling from her eyes. Today she had faced him but What would I do if he did something again? She thought.
Yn: Dad your princess has become very lonely. I need you so much. Please come back. ( she said and sobbed)
Her phone started ringing. She picked up the call without seeing.
Yn: Hello
There was silence on the other side of the phone. She removed the phone from her ear and there was an unknown number.
Yn: Who is this? ( she said fearfully)
??? : If You dare to fight, then why you're crying now? ( It was said in a cold manner)
Yn: What do you mean? ( her voice was shaky )
??? : You have to become your own strength. Your crying will do nothing and tomorrow his end will be in front of you.

Her spine shivered after hearing the cold words Which made her even more scared.
Yn: Who are you ??? (She spoke in a smooth voice, overcome with fear)
It was again silence. She looked at the screen but the call had ended.

Yn: That means someone else was there at the time but who?........

Yoonji was sitting on the terrace she was so much in her thoughts that she was not even aware that someone was calling her or not. Jimin came and sat beside her.
Jimin: Yoonji !! ( he said while shaking her a little)
Yoonji: What? ( she looked at him with questionable eyes)
Jimin: What happened? I called your name several times but you didn't respond. Are you Okay?
Yoonji: Nothing.
Jimin : Mimi tell me na
Yoonji: I think I have already told you to stop using these names and don't irritate me.
Jimin: Mimi looks at me don't be sad because of Hyung's words hmm.
He hugged her and spoke again.
Jimin : In the future when we get married I want 4 to 5 of our little creatures hmm. (He changed the subject and teased her)
Yoonji: Who told you I will marry you hmm. (She said while hiding her red cheeks)
Jimin: Ohooo! Someone is blushing. (he again teased her)
She glared at him angrily.
Jimin: Now admit that you were blushing.
Yoonji: Dear Chimchim before that I will beat you get lost from here.
Jimin: 4 and 5 are enough okay consider my point, please. ( he said mischievously and ran away from there)
Yoonji: I said get lost jerk......

Time skip .....
She was sleeping peacefully unaware of the world. Sunlight was coming into the room from the window. The sound of the mobile ringtone broke the silence of the room. She tried to open her eyes but it was difficult to open them for her. She searched for her phone with her hands without opening her eyes. She picked it up.
Yn: Hello ( her voice was heavy due to continuous crying)
Yoonji: What happened to you yn and why don't you come today?
Yn: I am not feeling well.
Yoonji: Shall I come over?
Yn: No, no it's fine, Just a mild seasonal fever. Don't miss your classes I'll take notes from you later.
Yoonji: Okay Okay but I'll visit you in the evening okay.
Yn: okay
Yoonji: Please take care of yourself.
Yn: hmmm
The call ended and she again closed her eyes .......

Another side.....
Jimin: What is she saying?
Yoonji: She is having mild fever I think she cried her voice was heavy.
Jimin: Don't worry she will be fine
Yoonji: hmmmm

In evening....
The doorbell rang
Yn: I think yoonji is here. ( she opened the door )
Yoonji: How are you now?
Yn: I'm better now. Please come inside and who's this cute baby hmm. ( seeing little child, she remembered her little prince, her heart cried but she controlled herself)
They sat on the couch in the lounge
Yoonji: He's Jungwoo Jimin's little brother.
Yn: Hi cute baby how are you?
Jungwoo: I'm handsome, not cute but you're so beautiful.
Yn: thank you baby ( she smiled at him )
Jungwoo: Will you be my girlfriend you're so pretty.
Yoonji: No doubt you're that brat Chim's brother and she's older than you.
Jungwoo: So what? (Yoonji shook her head.)
Yn: Okay handsome baby I'll think about it. You guys wait here I'll bring Coffee and Juice.

Yoonji stopped her but she still went to bring Coffee and Juice. After some time they all were chatting with each other.

Jungwoo: Your smile is so pretty.
She was stunned for a moment, she forgot to smile but today she smiled after a long time.
Yn: Thanks baby
They both left.

She came to her room after dinner. She opened her wardrobe to take out her pajamas but there was a briefcase.
Yn: I totally forget about it.
She put that small briefcase on the bed.

Yn's Dad (Mr Kim ): Yn baby What are you doing? (He just came home from work)
Yn: Dada I am sketching my little Prince Jay look.
Mr Kim: you're very talented my baby. Can you bring some coffee to my office room, I have something important to talk about after dinner.
[ Yn's Dad: Kim Minhoo, Yn's Mom (Mrs. Kim: Kim Hana (she is Japanese), Little brother ( Kim Jay same age as Jungwoo) ]
Yn's Mother: Yn baby come here for a while.
Yn: Coming.
Yn's Mother: Put these dishes on the table.
Yn: Okay Mom.
After dinner...
Yn: Let's make coffee for my handsome dada.
She knocked on the door of the office room.
Yn's Dad: You don't need to knock princess.
Yn: Dada here is your princess handmade coffee.
Yn's Dad: Thank you, princess.
Yn: Your welcome my dear King. (He chuckled)
Yn's Dad: Sit baby.
Yn: Yes Dada what do you want to talk about?
He looked quite serious at that moment. He spoke after taking a deep breath.
Yn's dad: Baby listen to what I am going to tell you carefully now.
Yn: Dada I'm listening.
He placed a small briefcase in front of her. At which she looked at his father with a questioning look.
Yn's dad: Baby this briefcase is not only yours but also someone else's fidelity too, it will open only with your fingerprint and you have to protect it. I know baby you are confused but you will get to know everything soon. In the future, you will have many questions that you will not have the answer. This briefcase will answer you.
Baby but .( he got silent)
Yn: Dada ..
He motioned for silence.
Yn's Dad: I'm not done yet. Baby promise me that you will open this briefcase only after you go to South Korea and now you will not ask me any questions.
Yn : but Dada South Korea?
Yn's Dad: Yn's baby it's my dream that you graduate from Seoul National University. I've already done with your admission and after two months you're going there okay?
Yn: I trust you dada and I promise you.
Yn's Dad: Promise me one more thing baby no matter what happens, you will go to South Korea.
Yn: Dada why are you saying that?
Yn's dad: Pinky promise baby.
They tangled their pinkies.
Yn's dad: Princess Dada loves you the most. You are my strongest warrior. I am alive today, not tomorrow.
Yn: Dad what are you saying? ( Her eyes filled with tears)
Yn's dad: Baby it's reality everyone has to die one day. I know my daughter is the strongest. Whatever difficulty will come in her life, she will face it bravely. Right baby? (He said while embracing her)
Yn: Yes dada

End of flashback......

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