You Can Lead a Horse to Water....

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There's an annoying beeping in the distance that's pissing me off. I swear whoever that is needs to knock it off before I go full Beta on them. Hmm, that doesn't sound as good as 'going full Alpha on them.' Saying that you will go full Alpha mode just has this unique sound to it. It makes you truly worry about what's to come. I'm formidable, but I'm no Alpha, no matter what I say or do. Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked.

I pop an eye open to see if I can locate the origin of that horrible sound. The light is blinding, and I quickly close my eye again. I try to block the sound out, but I can't. It's beyond irritating, and I can't get any rest. I take a deep breath, preparing for the blinding that's about to happen.

I throw my eyes open and blink rapidly, trying to keep the blinding to a minimum. I look around the room, letting my eyes focus. I'm in a hospital room, and that beeping is me. Well, I guess I can't expect the sound to stop because that would mean the end of me.

I look up at the ceiling in an effort to recall what had been going on. I remember going to the Night Crawlers Pack with the intent of helping them with their rogue problem. I remember finding out their rogue problem was really one they created themselves. Ah, that's right! Their Alpha was the one that did this. I will have to let Zahara know so we can decide on the next step.

The door opens, and I turn to see Bryn. "You're awake, thank the Goddess! I wasn't sure if you'd make it."

"Why am I here and not at the Night Crawlers Pack?" Bryn sighs and sits in the chair beside the bed.

"Their facilities kind of suck, and your people didn't trust you staying with them. I take it something happened over there?" I close my eyes and nod. That was a good idea, actually. The Alpha could have commanded anyone to finish the job, and that would have been bad for me. "Your mate was worried about you." My eyes shoot open, and I look around the room. Nona was here?

"When?" Bryn looks away, and that doesn't bode well.

"When you were first brought in, she ran here to be with you. I got here a bit after, but she was leaving. She made it seem like you were gone and I was ready to call Zahara to break the news." I settle back in, and a wave of sadness washes over me. I'm not that surprised.

"I think I'm going to rest." Bryn nods and stands.

"I will check on you later." I wait until Bryn leaves the room before turning on my side with my back to the door. I feel tears threatening to break free, and I do everything I can to keep them in. This has got to stop; I can't keep getting my hopes up with her.

It's time to do as Laslo said. I hate the bastard, but he may be right.

Wh.....that actually happened?! I thought I had dreamed the entire thing. I was contemplating seeing a therapist to make sure I wasn't going crazy.

Of course, it happened. I was there with you when he spoke to you. We need to stop being so nice and accommodating. We need to get tough on her because this is crazy. I want mate and will do whatever it takes to get her.

How do we get her here?

I'll take care of that. Kieran disappears after that, and I wonder where to.


I stand up and stretch, having gotten cramped sleeping on the forest floor. That was the craziest dream, and I have no idea why I had to dream about Laslo. I hate him with a passion and would rather keep him off my mind.

I stretch a bit more and turn around. It's time to head back toward the packhouse, but I don't know what to do there. Maybe I can go to my parent's instead. I'm just not ready to deal with anyone, and I have no idea what to do about Lennox. I want to check to make sure he's okay, but I don't want to be found out.

I continue to walk through the forest while I contemplate my options. Maybe the best thing I can do right now is go home where I can gather myself. I can always check on Lennox later if I need to. The treeline looms in the distance, and my speed increases slightly. I look at my surroundings and realize that I'm not heading to my parent's home.

I try to turn in their direction, but my body isn't cooperating. I walk past the treeline, and the packhouse comes into view. I look around my surroundings, but there's no one. I feel like I should be concerned about a witch or something, but nothing's there.

I try to turn my body so I can walk into the packhouse, but it's not responding. I try to stop walking, but that doesn't work either. I walk past the packhouse, and I could see that I'm headed to the clinic. That's the last place I want to be. I keep trying to stop or turn around, but nothing works.

Zora, what's going on? What's controlling us?


What do you mean, nothing? I can't go anywhere I'm trying to go. Something has a hold on us.

I told you that it's nothing. I'm in control.

You? Where are you taking us?

We are going where we need to be. We'll be there soon. I watch helplessly as we walk into the clinic and past the front desk. No one stops me or asks where I'm going. I don't even know where I'm going. We walk down a long hallway, and at the end are two big doors. We go through one of the doors, and I see a body lying on the bed. His scent hits me, and I want to turn and run away, but I can't. He turns to look at me with wonder in his eyes. "Nona?"

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