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Niall's POV

He's never coming back to me.


Everything seems to slow down, like in the movies. The only thing I can hear is the loud pounding of my heart beating in my chest slowly. My eyes sweep over the scene before me.

Danielle crying into Liam's arms, not in sadness, but in joy. Joy that he's not leaving her, that he still loves her despite her secret. Despite the fact that whenever he kissed her or made love to her, Zayn did the same thing. He's just getting Zayn's leftovers.

Liam, my so called best friend, holding into her tightly. Pressing light kisses on her face whispering comforting words as he does. It was never a choice for him; Dani or me. No, he knew who he treasured more, and it wasn't me.

Louis leading Harry away from us. The last thing I see from them is a flash of curls disappearing around the corner of the hallway.

Farewell Louis, my dear backstabbing friend. Harry, whom I wish I could've gotten to know better. Liam and Danielle, I hope you two are happy together.

I have nothing left to fight for. It's pointless to keep on living, no sense at all. I doubt that they'll miss me. I'll just be known as another kid who committed suicide because of bullying.

I take a step back ready to leave for good when my eyes meet a pair of dark, amused brown orbs.


My breath catches in my throat, my whole body freezing in place. I blink and that's all it takes. Something breaks within me, the sound of glass breaking resonating through my ears, and when I reopen my eyes, it's as if I've been woken up from a thousand year sleep.

Light assaulting my eyes, bright colors brighting up my sight. Quiet sobs and whispers reaching my ears. But my eyes are trained solely on one person.

The same one who ruined everything. Took my trust and broke it. Buried himself in my heart refusing to leave. Turned Louis against me, using him to hurt me even more. Took my best friend from me, when he knew Liam was everything to me. Everything.

Looking at him know, all I feel is extreme hatred towards him. Zayn, the very name sends another wave of boiling anger through me, consuming my thoughts.

I want revenge.

Without another thought, I lunge at him, hands outstretched and tackle him down onto the floor. Caught by surprise, it takes him a moment to react but by then, it's too late.

My legs are on either side of him, trapping him, my hand curled into a fist, the other clutching his collar tightly. My first punch lands on his jaw, stunning him.

"What's wrong Zaynie? Never been punched before? It's never too late to try something new." It's not my voice that comes out of my mouth though. This one is dark and ice cold, it should alarm me. But it doesn't. I find it...satisfying.

Oh I'm very aware of Danielle screaming at the top of lungs, telling me to stop. Very much aware of Liam trying to pull me away from Zayn's struggling form beneath me as I land blow after blow on his face. But I ignore it, or rather I give up control to the new Niall.

The one who has no remorse towards hurting others. He doesn't feel pleasure from it, not yet at least. All he revenge. Revenge for all those times I cried myself to sleep. All those times I thought about cutting. Those dreadful times when I was almost at my breaking point. But I pulled through.

He wants revenge, and I'm more than willing to let him get it. From now on, care-free Niall is dead. Gone. Never coming back. But that's ok, because the new Niall is here to stay.


"Hey! You two break it up!"

I stop my blows, face void of any emotion as I look down upon Zayn's bloody face. My face scrunches up in disgust, who knew he had that much blood in him?

Harsh hands pull me to my feet, another pair help Zayn up. He'll have a black eye, a bloody nose and a split lip for a while but he'll live. Besides he doesn't seem sad, no not at all. More like, furious. I smirk at him before looking back at the teachers.

"What is going on you two?" A burly teacher with brown hair demands glancing between us warily.

I shrug "Nothing professor."

"NOTHING?!" The other, some old guy, yells pointing at Zayn. "Both of you are suspended for a week!"

Blah blah blah. "Whatever." I walk away from the guy who's yelling at me to get my ass back there, but I don't have time. And even if I did, who cares. Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I bump into a shocked Payne, deciding to just leave I roll my eyes at him and exit the school.

Bloody traitor.

Walking to our flat, I pull out my phone and make a quick call to someone. After clearing everything up, I step into our place and begin packing my stuff up. It doesn't take long to finish up, and neither does Liam to barge into my now barren room. After recovering from the surprise, he clears his throat and looks at me, where I'm leaning against the wall.

"Where are you going?"

I chuckle "Well you can't expect me to live with a traitor now do you? You should know me Liam," narrowing my eyes I spit out "after all, we WERE best friends remember? Or have you already forgotten?"

The pain is clear in his brown eyes, and he stares at me. As if waiting for me to apologize. Please, for what? When he realizes that I'm not, he whispers "What happened to you Niall?"

I let out a bark of laughter "Nothing LiLi. Nothing. I changed if that's what you mean.

I'm done being pushed around. Done letting Zayn hurt me. I'm sick of it. I'm fighting back now, Zayn's way. Besides, I love this new me. He's not afraid to hurt others. It's fun, you should try it sometime.

Now I get why Zayn loves bullying others."

He shakes his head, tears coming to his eyes "I want my Niall back."

Losing my patience, I push him up to the wall hissing in his horror filled face "Don't you get it? That Niall is gone. DEAD. He's never coming back, dead people don't return."

"He's not dead!" Liam squirms underneath me like a child.

I pull away from him "Go back to your slut of a girlfriend."

That gets his attention "Dani is not a slut!"

"Seems like one to me." I hum calmly.

Liam's face twists with anger "Fuck you."

He grabs the doorknob and steps out, about to leave but not before saying angrily "Zayn will be waiting for you tonight at the park, nine o'clock."

The slam of the door echoes through the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Watch out Zayn. Nialler's coming to get you.

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