Chapter 15 - Rian ‼️ TW

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||TW - Critical self talk||

I threw the wet towels and clothes in and slammed the door of the washing machine closed out of frustration. At myself, but mostly at the situation Dex had now put me in with Lex. Why can't anything ever just go smoothly for once? Why do either I fuck it up or someone else does it for me?

I hadn't known what to say back to her when she told me to go and talk to Noah, a defeated look on her face before she turned away and wouldn't look at me again. Wouldn't or couldn't, I wasn't sure which, but I still felt the bite of it. I'd turned to glare at Dex and see if he had any suggestions how to fix the fucking mess he had just made for me, but he just stood there shaking his head at me. The little shit just took the pin out of the grenade and threw it at me. I'd just muttered something about getting us some food, scooped up the wet items from the floor and left them together in my room.

And now, here I was, hiding out in the laundry room trying to figure out how to fix this and coming up clueless. The one person I would usually go to for advice on this stuff was the person who had created this fucking mess and frankly, I was pissed at him. So that just left me with my own thoughts, trying to figure out how to resolve this.

I could clearly tell that she had picked up on something that Dex had said and was internalizing it. Shit, I did it often enough myself to be able to recognise when others were doing it as well. She had retreated back into her thoughts again and I didn't know how to reach her. I wasn't any good at this kind of thing. I preferred not to discuss personal things with most people, so I'd never really learnt how to help myself, let alone someone else. The only person I felt somewhat comfortable talking to about things was Dex, who would always listen and help talk me through things, helping me to break it down and understand it from another perspective.

I understood where he was coming from and deep down I knew he wouldn't have meant for it to come out the way it did, but it still pissed me off that he had brought it up in front of Lex. It should have been my choice when to bring it up. And if I'd had my way, it wouldn't have been this fucking soon. I knew we'd have to discuss this at some point, but shit, tonight was the first night I felt like we were actually getting to know each other properly, not just physically, but in other ways. I felt like she was starting to relax around me finally and let her guard down for me. Hell, even I felt comfortable with her for some reason. But now it had all been jaded by the sudden mention of rules and implications. Ugh, shit.

Well it's not going to get resolved sulking down here by yourself is it, dumbass? I thought to myself. I suppose I should stop delaying the inevitable and go and at least get one thing off my shit list: finding Noah before he finds me and more importantly, Lex, hiding in my room.

I left the laundry room and trudged my way back up the stairs via the garage. Upon reaching the first floor, I stood outside my door for a moment, debating whether I should go back in and check in on Lex, but eventually I thought better of it and decided to go and make some food to bring back for us, as well as hopefully running into Noah in the process.

As I made my way up the hallway towards the main area, I could hear the sounds of the other boys laughing and joking with each other, talking over each other excitedly and just generally being their usual rowdy selves. As I rounded the corner, my eyes quickly scanned the room to see where everyone was, instantly seeking out Noah, who was standing in the kitchen chopping up some fruit. Fucking great, no getting away from him now I guess. Let's do this.

I made my way over to the kitchen, or at least I tried to, before being intercepted by Kai, who was kneeling up on the sofa and tried to pull me down as I walked past him. Being his usual chaos puppy self then I see.

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