Chapter 3

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I was one of the last ones in the courtyard. The one standing beside the bell, wearing full chainmail armor and carrying a rykal at her hip, was General Trey. She no longer wore her crown, but she still had the Coven crest emblazoned across her chestplate.

"I've noticed that a lot of you are slacking off. We can't afford this. If you slack off, you're more likely to die. I understand that it looks hopeless right now. The war may never end. But please, don't abandon the rest of us. If we destroy the Europeans' cities, they'll eventually decide that all this violence isn't worth it. I have hope that the war will end within our lifetime. Don't let yourself die. We need all our soldiers.

"I've also created another incentive for training. In exactly one week, we'll hold a skills-allowed tournament for all year groups between the ages of 13 and 50. I'll explain the rules in detail on the day of the tournament, but know that this tournament will determine your rank in the army. The winner will become the honorary 'Champion'.

"I want all trainers to begin preparing their recruits for the tournament. It will be held on February 11th. If your recruits haven't started weapons training, teach them the basics. If you are not a recruit or a trainer, I want you to spend the day preparing yourself for the tournament. Every soldier who wins their division will receive a promotion."

I'll get flattened. Or killed, most likely. I hope I'll at least be allowed to wear my chainmail. If not...

After General Trey left the balcony above, the soldiers gathered below started chatting about the upcoming tournament. I started edging toward the wall, my hand on the hilt of my knife. People were starting to stare at me.

"Hey! Who are you? Are you a new recruit? I've never seen you before. How old are you?" Another girl asked enthusiastically. She had bright pink hair.

"I'm Victoria. Yes, I'm a recruit. I joined yesterday, and I just turned thirteen," I said, trying to answer all of the rapid-fire questions.

"Victoria, as in Queen Victoria? The first Queen of the Coven? I mean, of course you're not her, but that's so cool! You're named after a legend! I'm Nova, by the way, and I'm in your year group! I already have my skill- I can create shockwaves! Isn't that cool? I'll flatten you in the tournament."

"I'm sure you will." I wasn't sure if I should respond to anything else she said, but it wasn't silent for long.

"Of course I will! Don't worry, I'll flatten you too, Eleanor!" she said, turning to a sad-looking girl with long black hair who was standing impassively behind her.

"I'm not so sure. My skill is powerful enough. And I'm Coven-born, unlike you. In fact, I'm descended from this 'legend' you're talking about," she stated matter-of-factly. "Victoria, I'm Eleanor, and this is the girl who rivals the bell in terms of decibel level."

"That's cool," I said lamely. I was too tired to think of anything else to say. I didn't even have the energy to worry about the tournament.

"Hey Nova! Who are you talking to?" Another girl with striking blue eyes and light brown hair stepped out of the crowd. "You're a new recruit? Nice to meet you. I'm Felicity. I can manipulate rocks with my skill."

"That's not that impressive," I said without thinking. Still deadly, though. Humans are so fragile that even someone without a skill can be easily lethal. Even if they don't even use their own power and resort to poison instead.

"What do you mean, that's not impressive? You don't have a skill at all yet!" Felicity shouted indignantly. I drew my knife, leaping away, and crashed into another group of soldiers. They turned to me, weapons drawn.

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