【 4 】

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The tension between Louis and Legosi increased as his feelings for Haru became more evident. Small gestures and prolonged glances revealed a latent conflict between them, fueled by the presence of the young rabbit in their lives. For Louis, the attraction to Haru was complex. In addition to feeling a deep desire for her, he was also aware of the expectations and responsibilities that fell on her shoulders. As an aspiring Beastars and heir to the President of Horned, Louis was destined for a future of greatness and prestige. However, this came with the pressure of maintaining the bloodline and securing a suitable heir. His social status prevented him from openly displaying his affection for Haru in public, which added an additional layer of tension to his relationship with Legosi. The wolf's imposing presence only exacerbated his discomfort, constantly impressing upon him the expectations society had of him. On the other hand, Legosi was dealing with his own internal conflicts. Despite his mixed feelings towards Haru, he couldn't ignore the connection that was forming between her and Louis. Rivalry mixed with confusion and desire, creating a broth of emotions that threatened to overflow at any moment. Between furtive glances and heavy silences, the tension between the three intensified, fueled by the weight of expectations and repressed desires. In that delicate balance between society, duty and forbidden love, Louis, Legosi and Haru found themselves caught in a whirlwind of emotions that threatened to tear their hearts and their lives apart.

The sun had retreated from the horizon, leaving the sky tinted with shades of orange and purple that slowly faded into the darkness of the night. A majestic deer, with antlers that rose towards the sky like natural spears. Louis advanced towards Legosi with determination, his mind buzzing with mixed emotions. The tension between them had become palpable in recent days, and Louis couldn't ignore the growing discomfort he felt at seeing Legosi around Haru so often. With each encounter between them, the feeling of danger and threat grew within him, like a dark shadow that loomed over his relationship with the young rabbit. As he approached Legosi, Louis felt a knot in his stomach, a mixture of worry and determination. How could he explain to Legosi the seriousness of the situation without revealing too much of his own feelings towards Haru? How could he persuade him to stay away from her without sparking a confrontation that he knew could be disastrous? With every step he took towards Legosi, Louis felt more trapped in a maze of emotions. On the one hand, there was the desire to protect Haru and preserve her own connection to her. On the other hand, there was the growing sense of rivalry and jealousy towards Legosi, whose presence threatened to destabilize everything Louis had built. Finally, when he was in front of Legosi, Louis found himself cornering him in a strange position, whispers heavy with warning escaping his parted lips. He tried to find the right words to express his concerns, to make Legosi understand the danger that continuing with this dynamic represented for all of them. But as he spoke, Louis realized how fragile his own position was. What right did he have to dictate to Legosi who he should or should not frequent? And what would happen if Legosi refused to listen to him, if he clung even more to his connection to Haru? Fear and uncertainty filled him as he faced Legosi, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that he couldn't continue ignoring the situation, that something had to change before it was too late. But at that moment, she was completely lost, caught between the desire to protect Haru and the fear of losing Legosi forever.

His taut muscles showed the agility and strength of a creature that had fought to survive in the heart of frivolous grids. In the middle of the darkness in the same auditorium, two figures moved with agility, their hearts pumping adrenaline with every step. One was a born hunter, with years of experience in the wildest corners of nature. The other, a predator of a different nature, driven by more primal instincts. Legosi wondered what was behind Louis' sudden fervor over his newfound friendship with Haru. What secrets did this seemingly innocent relationship hide? She watched Louis, trying to decipher his excited reaction. Did Haru have something to do with him? The proximity was on the verge of intrigue, allowing Legosi to perceive the rhythm of their hearts synchronized with the movement of their bodies. In an instant, he caught a hint of fear in the deer's expression, but what was it for? Legosi dismissed fear of his own predatory nature; There was something else at play, something that escaped him.

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