111.Yea, yea

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Entering the hotel, Lisa and Louis scan the place like detectives on the job. They've never been here, so they were very curious.

Lisa was taken by surprise, after realizing the inside of the hotel was even more dashing than the outside. Seeing the name of the hotel, she frown.

"Rosewood Hotel?"

Jungkook chuckle seeing her expression, it wasn't just her's but Louis's too. The both of them looked like two kids, who's parent said they'd go to the toy store but ended up at school.

Brushing off the silliness of his love and the enemy, he answers with a short "mm".

"Boss! Boss! You're here!"

Yeonjun exclaims from the front desk with both his arms waving. Without waiting, he jogs over with a cheery expression. Stopping in front of his boss, he salutes.

"Assistant Choi, ready for duty!"

Jungkook: "..."

Lisa: "....."

Inu: "..." 'Another idiot?'

Jungkook ignores his assistant weird personality, "Is everything set?"

"Yes, Yes, everything is well prepared." Yeonjun put his hand down and looks to Lisa, he grins like a fan boy meeting his favorite female idol.

"Greetings to the lady boss—- uh, I mean, greetings to Miss Kim. I am Choi Yeonjun, but you can call me Assistant Choi."

Lisa nod her head and smiles, "Good evening, Assistant Choi."

Seeing Lisa smile lovingly at his assistant, Jungkook felt another wave of vinegar pour in his mouth. He quickly, but gently tugs Lisa behind him.


Lisa didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Her boyfriend was definitely the King of Jealousy. Yeonjun, however, was shocked speechless. His jaw dropped to the ground seeing his boss act this way.

'Boss, why are you acting like I committed a crime? All I did was greet the lady boss... *sob*"

Never in his entire life had he encounter this side of the almighty business king! Just what would the world think if words were to travel?!

'Dear lord, where is my ruthless and cold boss? Should I inform the others?'

Jungkook ignores his assistant. Did he care about how others see him? Of course not. As long as he was with his Lisa, no one else matters.

Inu sat down by his mommy's side. He had seen everything that his enemy did when the new idiot arrive. Looking up at Jungkook, he glares at the man, then decided something.


'Finally you did something acceptable!'

Jungkook glance down at the non human competitor, his expression remains indifferent, then he flung his head the opposite way.

"Yea, yea."

Louis roll his eyes and turn his head in the other direction.




Lisa was rendered speechless. She felt like a teacher babysitting two students. Not knowing what to do, she peeks her head out from behind Jungkook's side to look at Yeonjun for help. However, seeing him, she felt even more stupefied.

With his mouth open in an 'O', Yeonjun felt he was in a dream. A very very unbelievable dream!

He did not notice the third wheel, but when he heard his boss, he had thought the words were for him... then... a white fluffy dog..

His boss was actually talking to a dog? Uh..... a dog?

"Let's go."

Jungkook didn't want to waste anymore time. His wife was probably hungry and as her husband, he needs to feed her. Ignoring his assistant, he tighten his hand on Lisa's and stride away towards the elevator.

Watching his boss and lady boss walk away with a very white fluff ball tailing, Yeonjun heaved a sigh in relief.

He could not believe what he just experienced. Shaking his head, he could only blame himself. If it wasn't for the bonus, he would of never left the bar to come here.

Realizing something, he tilt his head and touch his chin. He couldn't help but think about his boss and lady boss.

'Eh? Boss prepared such a fancy thing and yet, the both of them are dressed like they're going to eat pop corn and watch a movie at home?'

Wouldn't people usually dress up extravagantly when it came to things like this?

Thinking about the way Jungkook and Lisa dressed, Yeonjun heave a long sigh.

Why were some people so blessed in life, that no matter what they wear, they'd still look noble and flashy. If he had worn something like his boss, he was sure he would look like homeless man.


He sighed again and walks away. His job here was done. Back to the bar!


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