140.As your friend

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Lisa parks her white BMW x5m in the parking lot located in the back for De L'amour. Walking through the double doors, Lia greets her.

"Good morning, CEO Kim."

"Good morning, Lia."

Lia smiles at her beautiful boss. Watching her boss head towards the elevator. Just when the elevator dings, she suddenly remembers something.

"Ah! CEO Kim, this came for you."

She picks up a package and walks to her boss.


Lisa takes the package and looks at it. It was quite heavy and there was no sender, but she knew very well who was sent from. She looks at Lia and smile, "Thank you."

She turn and enters the elevator. It didn't take long before the elevator dings again and she arrived at her floor. Neither Bambam or Joy had arrived. Glancing at the wall clock above of Joy's desk, Lisa sighed.

'Today's going to be a very long day.....'

She walks into her office and prepare herself for work. Sitting in her chair she turns her computer on. As it was loading, she pursed her lips at the package.

Why would Beauty reach out to her? Don't they know that she is no longer a model?

Looking at the package, Lisa was in awe though. It was a white gift box, with three inch width ribbon wrapped around into a bow. Every time she received a package from Beauty, it was always packaged the same, because she had once told them she liked this style.

Shaking her head, she opens it without hesitation. Seeing what was inside, she arch her brow then she chuckles.

"Ah.. really...."

Inside the box was a greeting card with five magazines from Beauty in different years and seasons; and on the front cover of each magazine was her.

She sighs and opens the card.

*ring ring*

Before she could read the card, the phone in her office rings. Not thinking much, she answers.

"Hello. Kim Lalisa speaking."

["Lisa! Lisa!"]

Hearing the man's cheerful voice, Lisa glance at the card in her hand and sighs. She slightly shakes her head. Did this person attach a camera to see when she'd open the package?


["Hahah, did you open the gift I sent yet?"]

"Mm. What is your purpose in doing so? You know I'm no longer a model."

["Yea, I know, but how can I not take the chance and ask you to be the model for my Beauty. *sigh* You know, for the past years, it's you who have been on the front cover of all my magazines."]

"You can find someone else."

["I don't want to... Did you see the five magazines I sent you?"]


["Well, there's twenty more in my office from the past seasons you worked with Beauty. I didn't want to send all of them because it'd be too heavy. I also know that you are no longer a model, but did some thinking, how about you do Beauty's front cover shoot as the designer and CEO of De L'amour."]


Lisa did not know whether to laugh or cry. This man would go to any means (in a good way) to get what he wants. She's known him since she started modeling and he's a very good hearted person.

["Lisa? Lisa? Are you still there?"]


["Pheww—. How about it? I know you have new designs for De L'amour's winter fashion. I get you as the face of Beauty's cover and you get your designs shown to the world."]

Lisa pout her lips and ponder in Jackson's words. She was no longer a model, but she was still a fashion designer and Beauty was also a well known in China.

Leaning back in her chair, she looks at the black book with De L'amour's designs. Lifting her hand, she touch her chin.

But is it a good idea? Even without Beauty, she still has her ways to get her line out. The week before her yeye's birthday banquet is the winter fashion show in Imperial. To her, winning isn't a big thing, as long as her designs get recognized, she is fine.

Thinking till there, she comes to a decision.

"Give me some time to think."

["Ahhh... Okay, the shoot is on Wednesday. Let me know when you've decided. *sob* Remember, I only want you on the cover of my magazine."]


Not waiting, she ends the call. Looking at the five magazines, an unexplainable feel dull in her. The first time she modeled was when she wore her first finished design. It was also why she became a model. She wanted to show the world her hard work and let models walk the runway in her designs.

*knock knock*

The sudden knock at the door interrupts Lisa's thoughts. Then a sluggish Bambam enters her office.


Lisa glance at her assistant and she swore, her soul had left her body for a split second. She calm herself and looks at Bambam.

"Why do you look like that?"

Bambam no longer held his youthful and handsome look of a 27 year old. His usual nicely combed hair was messy with fringes cover his eyebrows. Dark eye bags hung under his eyes and his clothes were disheveled. His outer blazer was wrongly unbuttoned and he even wore two different shoes; Oxford on his right and sneaker on his left.

Lisa sighed in relief inside. At least he got his pants on correctly.... right?

Bambam drag his feet to his boss's desk. He puts some folders down, "Boss, these are the drafts and blueprints for today's meeting."

"You didn't answer my question. Why do you look like that?"

Hearing this, Bambam glares at Lisa, then he sighs, "Why? You're asking me why? Blame your secretive life. *sob* I was up all night staring at my laptop. Who ever that unknown group was, they also have an expert hacker. Not only that, they were trying to dig more information about you. Haaaah.... Thankfully Yugyeom and I were able to block all their access."

Lisa: "...."

"Why do you have to live so secretive? Do you know how hard it is to block people from trying to hack your information...."

Lisa: "..."

Bambam turns and sluggishly makes his way to the couch in his boss's office. He flops down with his face and stomach hitting the cushion.

"If you see me as your friend, let me sleep a bit. I won't bother you—zzzz."

Lisa watched her assistant friend and the corners of her mouth twitch. If Bambam looked like this? What about Yugyeom?

Thinking of them, her lip curls upward. She needed to protect her identity, because it's too dangerous for those by her sides. She only allowed some things about her to be easily hacked, because those things were what she didn't mind others knowing.

Even with Sehun, she had Bambam and Yugyeom complete block anyone from finding more about him. Shin wasn't just a regular pop idol of FAITH, he had his other identity too. Neither were any of the members of FAITH. FAITH was just a cover up for the them and for them, she will definitely protect.

Not just FAITH, but her Yeye and Hyunjin too.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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