Alone Together

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Alesha got up and went down stairs and her dad was on the couch and a beer bottle next to it

"Of course you was drinking." Alesha said to herself when she started crying.

Alesha ran out the door with her pajama pants on and a tanktop that was cut just above her bellybutton. She kept going deeper and deeper in the woods.

Were am I? She asked herself.

Alesha? Someone asked.

Alesha turned around and seen Jacob. Alesha smiled and ran up to him and hugged him.

"Is everything ok?" He asked as he hugged her back.

"It's my dad he was gone last night and this morning he was on the couch with a beer bottle next to it." Alesha said as she started crying.

Jacob looked at her and held her tighter letting her know that he is there for her.

"Come with me I have a place for us to be alone." He said as he turned around to give her a ride on his back.

Alesha got on his back and as he was walking she fell asleep. Jacob was finally at the place it was a lake cabin. He laid her down on a bed and put cover on her and laid next to her. Couple hours has passed and she woke up. She was laying on Jacob's shoulder. She leaned up and seen Jacob was asleep. She smiled.

He looks cute when he is asleep she said to herself.

She laid her head back down on his shoulder closed her eyes and smiled. But Jacob wasn't asleep he opened his eyes and leaned toward her face and kissed her forehead. Alesha opened her eyes and seen Jacob looking right at her with them eyes.

"Did I wake you?" He asked

"No but I did feel the kiss you want to try that again but on my lips." Alesha said

Jacob started to kiss Alesha's lips softly. Alesha did the same to Jacob. Then all a sudden they herd a howl. Alesha jumped up.

"What was that?" She asked

Of course Tyler would of found out about this. Jacob was thinking.

"I'll be right back ok I need to do something you'll be safe in here ok." Jacob said

"Are you sure ill be safe and promise me you will be back." Alesha said

Jacob looked at her and seen fear in her eyes she was scared.

"I promise." He replied

He ran out the door toward his house. He got at his house and Tyler was right at the door waiting for Jacob. Tyler started walking toward Jacob.

"Who do you think you are with that human you trying to get us killed!" Tyler yelled as he pushed Jacob.

Jacob got mad about him talking about Alesha and pushing him.

"You just leave Alesha alone!" Jacob yelled at Tyler

"I don't care if you love her but.your not alpha I am and you will listen to me!" Tyler yelled with a mean voice

"Well I'm about ready to be alpha so get ready to fight." Jacob said

Tyler smiled and said "ok time to see how strong you are."

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