The Fight For Alpha

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Jacob and Tyler started walking in circles watching eachothers moves.

Tyler smiled "your not going to beat me." He said

Jacob got tired of his smack talk so he started to growl "I am the son of Jordan wolf the leader who died to save your ass I was born to lead as he was." He said

They ran at eachother and transformed they looked just like wolves but much bigger. Jacob is a black wolf and Tyler is a brown wolf.

The other pack member were inside until Lydia her loud noises coming from out side she ran to the door and seen Jacob and Tyler fighting.

She yelled at the others and they came watching. They went out on the porch watching waiting to see who will be leader.

The fight was getting worse blood gushing, hearts racing, and more.

The pack was wondering when will this fight be over and who will win?

That's when Jacob bit Tyler by the neck and threw him and after he threw him he gave a howl.

Tyler knew he was defeated he was beaten up and put his head down in shame.

They both turned to humans and everyone was around Jacob happy he has won.

"You should of been leader before I see it now." Tyler said

Jacob turned his head and smiled at Tyler.

"I'm just like my dad before he passed away." Jacob said

Everyone just stopped and remembering Jacob's dad.

That's when Jacob remembered he left Alesha.

"I got to go." Jacob said as he was running.

He got back to the lake house walked in and seen Alesha laying down with her eyes closed.

"Poor Alesha I can't imagine what you been through with a drunk farther through your life." Jacob said to himself

He bent down gave Alesha a kiss on the forehead and got in bed with her. But he kept a little distance because soon he will have to leave at night to be with his pack as the alpha.

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