1. Zoo trip

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Life at 4 Privet Drive is hard for the potter twins.
"GET UT YOU TWO, MAKE THE FOOD." Aunt Petunia basically screams, as she unlocks the cupboard door from under the stairs.

Aurora Potter is always up early so she entertains herself by reading old books, Harry Potter is asleep still so Aurora shuts her book and lightly shakes him.

"Go away" he says "c'mon its Dudleys birthday, we can't burn breakfast or we stay in the cupboard until the end of summer" Aurora says

"Its not june 23rd? I thought it was may?" He asks "no its june 23rd, hurry up!" She says getting out of the cupboard "There you are! God you take forever" Aunt petunia groans

The dursleys dont like the two potter twins, but its okay they dont like them either. The bad thing about the dursleys hating them is barely any food that you like, old clothes.

Harry wears a long dark green dirty t-shirt from dudley and darker cargo pants with a black and white (now grey) tartan t-shirt as a jumper with broken black round glasses with tape secured to keep then together.

Meanwhile Aurora wears Aunt petunias old dresses, there mostly flowery or pink which Aurora doesn't mind. Both the twins have green eyes and brown hair

Harrys hair does the stop growing and is always a big mess, same with Aurora

They both have a scar on their head. You may be wondering 'where are their parents?' Well they have both died in a 'car crash' but the twins believe them. Thats how they got the scar aunt petunia always says that

"AURORA! GOODNESS SAKE ARE YOU LISTENING!?" Uncle vernon snaps his fingers making her leave her thoughts "hm? Uh oh yes yes" she says "where is that rat of your brother, go fetch him" he demands "okay" She says

"Harry get up, your gonna be in trouble if you don't." She says and the door opens and Harry comes out. They hear big loud footsteps walking through the upstiars corridor so they quickly try and grab the stuff they need before Dudley gets down.

Unfortunately they failed and Dudley already made it down with his friend piers, they had a sleepover last night and it was so loud! Piers has a crush on Aurora, but Aurora doesn't have a crush on Piers.

She lets out a long sigh as she finally enters the kitchen, she and Harry go over and start to cook the bacon while the rest of then sit down and watch Dudley open his presents "33....34.....35.......36. Thats 2 less than last year!!" He says "oh yes my dear, when we go to the zoo we will get you 2 more presents" Aunt petunia said and Dudley smiled

As the twins came over with the food they saw some of Dudleys presents. A new computer, a second TV, toy airplane (Remote controlled), 16 new computer games, gold wristwatch, a video recorder, a cine-camera and a racing bike

The twins looked at eachother oddly as they saw the racing bikes, they knew Dudley hated exercising, they just shrugged it off. "You two. Fruit on the counter" Uncle vernon said and the twins ate their fruit.

"Awh im so sorry, i hope your okay." Aunt petunias fake sorry voice echoed through the hall. She walked in and gave the twins a death stare "mrs figg cant look after the two. What on earth are we gonna do?" She said

"How on earth can she not?" Asked uncle vernon "broke her leg apparently." Aunt petunia said "well, we're gonna have to take them, we can't leave them here." Uncle vernon groaned "i dont want them to!" Dudley said

The twins looked at eachother and smiled they have never been to a zoo before.

So now here they are in the back of uncle vernons car, of course Harry and Aurora are sharing a seat. Piers even asked if she wanted to sit in his lap, the girl say no straight away.

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