Diagon Alley

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(Quite long)

Aurora is looking around london amazed meanwhile Harry is reading the letter

"All students must be equipped with one standard size cauldron and bring if they desire an owl, cat or a toad. Can we find all this in London?"

"If you know were to go" says Hagrid which makes the two twins confused. They keep walking until they find a black old door.

Hagrid opens the door and you can hear laughing, drinks clattering, talking and music. Aurora looks around confused.

"Ah, hagrid usual i presume?" An old nearly bald man says "no thanks tom im on an official Hogwarts business. Just helping young Aurora and Harry find their supplies" Hagrid says

"Bless my soul" Tom says "its Harry and Aurora Potter!"
Everything goes silent and Aurora and Harry share a look of confusion

"Welcome back miss and mr Potter" an old skanky man says shaking their hands with Aurora and Harry.

"Harry and Aurora P-P-Potter can't tell y-you how p-pleased i am to m-meet you" a man with a big purple turban says, 'he stinks of garlic and onion' Aurora thought

" oh 'ello professor I didn't see ya there, Harry, Aurora this is Professor Quirrell. He'll be your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts." Hagrid says

"Oh nice to meet you!" Harry says quickly shaking hands with the man, while Aurora looks at the man suspiciously with her eyes squinted.

Harry nudges her side quickly "Aurora be nice" he mutters. "Oh how pleased i am to meet you A-Aurora" professor Quirrell says "likewise.." she mutters scanning the man.

"Eh, must be goin' now lots to buy haha.." Hagrid says "goodbye" Harry says and Aurora just turns around without saying a word.

"See you two, your famous!" Hagrid says as they step out into a dead end. Aurora looks around confused but then realises its gotta be magic behind it

"But why are we famous, Hagrid all those people back there. How is it they know who i am!" Harry asks

"Im not sure im the right person to tell you that, 'arry" Hagrid says tapping the old stone wall with his pinkish purple umbrella in a code way

The walls magically move backwards creating a door. "welcome Harry and Aurora, to Diagon Alley." Hagrid says as the three of them walk through the door. Aurora looks around amazed while Harry looks the happiest he ever has been.

Theres loads of wizards and witches walking around, music, magic, and loads of owls above. The shops aswell.

"Heres where you get your quirrels and your ink. In there to get your wizards bits and bobs." Hagrid said

They continue walking. "Look at it, its the knew nimbus 2000! Fastest model yet!" A boy around Aurora and Harrys age says.

"But Hagrid how are we to pay for this. We dont have any money" Aurora says and Hagrid points to a tall white bulding "well theres your money, Aurora Gringotts a Wizard bank. No safer place not one, except Hogwarts of course " he says

They enter the building and it looks amazing. Everything is so clean. There are little elfs? Hagrid leads them to a golbin/elf? at the end of the hall

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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