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Aurora was first awake (again) and collected the post before waking her brother up. As she was walking into the kitchen, she saw both her and her brother had a letter

              MR. H. POTTER & MISS. A. POTTER
                        THE CUPBOARD UNDER THE STAIRS,
                               4, PRIVET DRIVE.
                                    LITTLE WHINGING,

Her eyebrows went up before handing the letters except her and her brothers one to Uncler vernon. Dudley saw this and stood up from his chair and grabbed the letter "LOOK DAD, AURORAS GOT A LETTER!" Dudley shouted "hey give it back its mine!" She said as Harry walked in the kitchen.

"Yours who would be writing to you" uncler vernon said laughing. He looked at the address then the stamp and his face lost the colour and he looked at Aunt petunia then back at Harry and Aurora which made Harry gulp.

Week later
Its been a week since Aurora got that letter and there has been loads more. This morning while harry was playing with his horses and Aurora was reading uncle vernon was ripping up letter. They then heard a screw going off and uncle vernon saying "no more mail through this letter box."

Harry opened the door with a small gap and saw that Uncler vernon was screwing the mailbox shut, harry shut it suspiciously.

After that uncle vernon got ready for work and Aunt petunia kissed him goodbye but her eyes widening when she looked at the car. Uncle vernon told them to 'shoo' but they didn't. Aunt petunia looked down so did Uncler Vernon seeing 4-5 letters from 'Hogwarts' and uncle vernon went to work angry.

When he got back from work he made Aurora and Harry watch him burn the letters to them. Auroras eyes swelled with tears when uncle vernon smiled at them with his ugly purple face. Harry looked angry.

The next morning Uncle Vernon seemed..Happy? He let out a deep breath "hm, fine day sunday. In my opinion best day of the week, why is that Dudley?" Uncle vernon asks as harry handed out cookies to everyone

Dudley looked confused and shrugged "i know why 'cause theres no post on sundays" Aurora said watching uncle vernon take a cookie "right you are, Aurora" Purple face said.

"No post on sundays" he repeated what Aurora just said and made a weirdish laugh, like hes gone crazy. Harry looked out the window and saw a birdish like animal fly past, he walked closer to the window. Aurora looked confused and walked up with him and the more owls fly past

Harry moved the curtain away from the window and Aurora screamed as an owl was right at the window, along with thousands of other owls "no sir, not one blasted-" he got cut off by a letter flying through the fire place and hitting him in the face

All the attention going to him and the letter. There was a rumble of noise coming from the fireplace and the house was shaking and suddenly thousands and thousands of letters came flying into the living room the three Dursleys were trying to wave them away meanwhile Aurora and Harry were smiling so widley the cheeks hurt

The two twins then went to try and grab letters. Until Harry finally caught one "quick quickly open it!!" Aurora said and the two ran out the room while uncle vernon chased after them

"GIVE ME THAT, GIVE ME THAT LETTER" uncle vernon shouts and Aurora quickly tries to open the cupboard under the stairs until Uncle Vernon grabs ahold of her and harry

Aunt petunia and Dudley see Uncle vernon, Harry and Aurora fighting over the letters "there our letters!!" Aurora shouts "let go of me!" Harry shouts and the wooden pannel breaks, more letters entering through the mail box

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