Part- 26

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Digvijaya groaned, rubbing his temples as a throbbing headache pulsed behind his eyes. He stumbled to the bathroom, wincing at the sharp pain in his jaw.

Digvijaya: (Slurring his words) What the...? How did I even get home?

(He stared at his reflection in the mirror, his face a mess of bruises and dried blood. Fury surged through him as he remembered the events leading up to his blackout. He had Y/n cornered, almost within his grasp, then... nothing. Just a deafening bang and then... darkness.)

(He slammed his fist against the mirror in frustration. The glass shattered, sending shards flying and a sharp pain shooting up his arm. Blood dripped from his knuckles)

(Digvijay harmed himself in frustration

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(Digvijay harmed himself in frustration.)

(A frantic banging on the door startled him. It was his mother's voice, laced with worry, calling his name.)

Digvijaya's Mom: (Through the door) Digvijaya! Digvijaya, are you alright in there?!

(Digvijaya scrambled to open the door, trying to hide the damage he'd done)

Digvijaya: (Forcing a smile) Mom? I'm fine, just... a little accident.

(His mother rushed in, her eyes widening at the sight of his bleeding hand and the shattered mirror.)

Digvijaya's Mom: Oh my god, Digvijaya! What happened? Get the servants, quick! We need the first-aid kit!

(As his mother cleaned his wounds, her concern morphed into a different kind of question.)

Digvijaya's Mom: And where is Y/n, my dear? Did she leave already?

Digvijaya: (Shrugging, feigning confusion) Y/n? Mom, I... I honestly don't remember anything after a few drinks last night. Everything's a blur.

Digvijaya's Mom: (Sighing) It's alright, beta. Don't worry about it. I knew this plan wouldn't work anyway. But don't fret, I have a plan B. Just wait patiently for a few weeks.

Digvijaya: (Frustrated) Weeks? Mom, that's an eternity! After last night... after feeling her... her scent is still on me! I can't wait, Mom! I want her now!

Digvijaya's Mom: (Placing a hand on his arm, her voice firm) Okay, okay, calm down. She'll be yours, I promise. Just be patient. And for now, focus on the election. You need to win this seat again. And for that, we need Y/n. Leave everything else to me. You just stay quiet and focus on finding out who's digging into your past. We both know it was a woman, but who? Find her.

Digvijaya: (Defeated) Okay, Mom. You're right. (He hangs his head, a flicker of fear in his eyes)

 (He hangs his head, a flicker of fear in his eyes)

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