The Crimson Sun

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*Previously on The Strangely Useful*

*WeekMan gets brain damage and faints*

Captain BackPack: Oh he dead…..

SleepyMan: I’ll get the coffin.

*SleepyMan steals the key from WeekMan’s corpse and opens the gate*


Captain BackPack: Oh hey, he not dead.

WeekMan: I’m not dead you idiot.

SleepyMan: Harsh…..

WeekMan: Naahh

SleepyMan: Fair enough, but do that to Milk Man next time, okie dokie dokie?

WeekMan: Sure.

Episode/chapter 2: The Crimson Sun

Captain BackPack: Dang, we’re on chapter 2 already, honestly the nerves of these writers.

Author : well vittu sinua(bad word in finnish) now stop breaking the fourth wall.

Captain BackPack: NO!!!!!!!!

SleepyMan: Ano orokana shōnen-tachi wa nani o hanashite iru nodesu ka?

*The gates to the forge open amazingly and the three walk in*

SleepyMan: *Yawn* So what do we do now?

WeekMan: Now we must find the mould for the blade and the ore itself and then I need to melt it down in a Crucible.

*Captain BackPack knocks on the door again*

Captain BackPack: *In a random voice again* Hello Mr Door, could you please open for us.

WeekMan: I will get the ore.

SleepyMan: *Yawn* Me and Captain BackPack will find the weird mould thing and heat up that forge that’s so important.

*The three split up so they could get the items quicker*

*10 minutes later*

Captain BackPack: I wonder how WeekMan is doing

SleepyMan: *Yawn* He definitely has a harder job…….Or maybe he’s watching アニメ.

Captain BackPack: I don’t know about that………Wait what did you say?

SleepyMan: Nothing…….

*He looks around nervously*

*Another 10 minutes later*

WeekMan: Finally, I made it to the highest peak on the mountain

*Flash back*

???: Niin nuori, minkä malmin puhtauden haluaisit
(So young one what ore purity would you like)

Young WeekMan: jos mahdollista, tarvitsen puhtainta mitä voin saada
(if it’s possible I need the purest I can get)

???: Saan 100 % puhtauden, ja haluaisitko oman henkilökohtaisen kätkösi vuoren huipulle? (I can get 100% purity, and would you like your own personal stash on the peak of the mountain?)

Young WeekMan: kyllä ​​kiitos
(Yes please)

???: hyvä on
(Very well)

* End of flashback*

WeekMan: siellä se on
(There it is)

*WeekMan said to no one whilst uncovering the almost blood red to black ore*

*WeekMan said to no one whilst uncovering the almost blood red to black ore*

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*That’s what it looks like*

WeekMan: I better get back to my friends.

*WeekMan started his trek back down the mountain*

Editor T: But before we continue. This week's episode is sponsored by the Strangely Useful game, made by James the Small Man (JB)

Author: PEOPLE, STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!!!!!!! All I want to do is make a normal episode of Volume 3.

Editor T: Fine.

*He pulls out his phone and plays some Angry Birds*

Editor Ashton: Thank you. Pretend you didn’t see or hear that. Back to the story.

*Cut back to SleepyMan and Captain Backpack*

SleepyMan: When is WeekMan going to be back?

WeekMan: I’m right behind you .

SleepyMan: Ah. Where did you come from?

WeekMan: Over there.

*Pointing to the path he just came down*

SleepyMan: Oh.

WeekMan: Tyhmä.

SleepyMan: What was that?

WeekMan: Nothing.

SleepyMan: Anata ga nani o itte iru no ka watashiniha kesshite rikai dekimasen.
(I will never understand what you are saying)

WeekMan: What was that?

SleepyMan: Nothing………

*Both of them walk to were Captain BackPack is at*

Captain BackPack: What took you so long, WeekMan?

WeekMan: I had to climb to the peak of the mountain and back down. Duh.

Captain BackPack: Well, I could do it in two minutes or less.

Sleepyman: Yeah, and I’m Freddy Fazbear. Ur Ur Ur Ur.

Captain Backpack: No, I can.

WeekMan: Sure you can.

*He sarcastically rolls his eyes*

WeekMan: Anyway, we have to head back to the forge.

*They head back to the forge of The Crimson Sun (roll credits)*

WeekMan’s mind: Toivottavasti hän ei ole löytänyt minua......vielä.
(I hope he hasn't found me......yet.)

A/N: Sorry it’s shorter than the last one.

Editor T: I SAID ROLL CREDITS!!!!!!!

Editor T: I SAID ROLL CREDITS!!!!!!!

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