The anger

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*Previously on The Strangely Useful*

Goon 2: Stay right where you are……or suffer my wrath.

Goon 3: Our wrath…..

Goon 2: Shut up, you read fanfictions.

Goon 3: Says the one who has the odd search history of Ryan Reynolds.

SleepyMan and Editor T: Can I see?

Goon 1 (Still not the SleepyMan character): SHUT UP YOU IDIOTS!!!!!! Anyway, you two are coming with me

Goon 3: Us.

Goon 1: SHUT UP!!!!!!!

WeekMan: What do we do?

SleepyMan: I know just what to do….

A/N: Before this chapter starts I would like to disclose that the story is going to get quite intense from this point onwards

Episode/Chapter 6: The anger

*SleepyMan pulls out CrescentCookie delivering a powerful horizontal slash cutting two of the robot goons in half while WeekMan uses his twin swords to annihilate the last one*

WeekMan: That's it, I'm do running from the past, olen vitun valmis

SleepyMan: Aaron… are you alright, I've never seen you angry

WeekMan: SleepyMan, we need to find the others…..NOW!!!!

*WeekMan grabs SleepyMan by his cape as they leave the forest.*

WeekMan: Where are the others?

*They hear Camera Man screaming as WeekMan gets some memories and he falls to his knees.*

SleepyMan: WeekMan!!!!

*SleepyMan kneels down next to him and puts his hand on WeekMan’s shoulder.*

SleepyMan: Are you okay? You’re breathing heavily…..

WeekMan: I……..I-I’m fine…….We need to find the others…..

*WeekMan moves SleepyMan out of his way, making SleepyMan slightly shocked. They rush and find that James The Small Man crashed the chopper as WeekMan tenses up again.*

WeekMan: Niko…..

James The Small Man: Oh god…..

Captain BackPack: Ow…..

Camera Man: Ouchies………

Rabbit Man: Jesus….My leg…..Watch out next time, James The Small Man.

SleepyMan: *Yawn* GUYS!!!!!!!

*SleepyMan rushes over to them completely ignoring Milk Man and he helps Rabbit Man up.*

SleepyMan: Are you guys okay?

Camera Man: My peg leg is perfectly fine thank you very much good sir.

James The Small Man: Oh yeah. I’m perfectly fine. My mech just needs to be repaired a bit.

Rabbit Man: Yeah, I’m fine……But when and how do we get to kick this guy's ass?

Milk Man: I have an I-

WeekMan: We get revenge……He’s killed so many innocent people. I need to stop him.

*Suddenly they hear jets with sirens flying above them and they all rush to the forest. However, WeekMan is frozen stiff, breathing heavily and his eyes are widened. The sight of the crushed and mangled and the sound of the sirens bringing back unwanted memories.*

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