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This is Veronica by the way the her eyes are a suspose to be green but i couldnt find a picture like this with green eyes

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This is Veronica by the way the her eyes are a suspose to be green but i couldnt find a picture like this with green eyes.

This is Veronica by the way the her eyes are a suspose to be green but i couldnt find a picture like this with green eyes

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And this is her best friend Angelina

Authors note:sorry for any typos, i really hope you all enjoy this story. WARNING THIS IS CLICHE. i thought to write this story cause why not, dont mind that angelinas photo is larger than veronicas it just came like that sooo i hope u enjoy the story!!

Veronicas pov:

I walked into school and just like that I already wanted to leave .i hated school like every normal sixteen year old teenager and on top of that I needed coffee like now

"hey you"

"oh hey"

" here i got you something"and just like that she pulled out the thing I cherished the most in the world coffee.i swear this girl can read me like a god damn book.

i stared at the coffee and desperately grabbed the coffee from her hands.The warmth of the coffee instantly spreading throughout my hands.

"have i told you how much i love you,because i love you so so so much"i smiled at her while i took my first sip of my coffee .The bitter taste instantly took over my senses and just like that i felt just a tiny little more alive. Just a smidge.


"anyways what are we doing today I already have a few things like for example there's gonna be a huge party tonight and i was thinking that we should go."


"yes we"

"well i am painting to my rock music and maybe if i feel like it ill read and finish the throne of glass series im already at the last book soo"

"you are kidding me we have to go to this party people say this party is going to be the party of the year"

"they say that every year"I stated to her while rolling my eyes

"come on please come with me to the party tonight if you don't go i think ill die from boredom" i know that she wont she'll be having a blast and to be honest i would too i love partying but I don't know i just don't feel like dealing with the hang over that i know i will most definitely get tomorrow.but then i just decided fuck it this week was so tiring and I needed a reward.

"alright , alright ill go"

"YES YESS YESS' THANK GOODNESS" I couldn't stop and laugh at the melodramatic response.

"oh wait"


"girl clam down i was just going to tell you that i have to stay behind today ,because Mrs Johnson wants to talk to me for some mysterious reason"

"oh thank the mercy"

"that doesn't make sense"

"anyhow, do you know why your maths teacher wants to talk to you?"


"huh that's weird"

"thats what i thought!"

"you'll find out later"

"yeah i guess i will"

"ohh yeah by the way have fun with Mrs Johnson" she chuckled at her own joke i swear I don't even know why i am friends with this girl .oh right I was forced to by her I didn't even have a bloody choice in the matter before she invited me to her place and said we were friends on the first day of freshman year and just like that we have been best friends ever since even until this junior year.

"I hate you"

"you love me and you know it" my only response was glaring at her. She only laughed in response.

"alright lets go i wanna plan for our outfits for this party"

"okayyy" i linked my arm through hers , my coffee in my right hand .

i couldn't help but get excited like come on who doesn't like planning their outfits with their best friend for a nother meaningless party.

it always ends the sameWhere stories live. Discover now