Chapter 10

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The office was silent as the two persons just sat quietly as the servants served tea and some snacks on the table the white woman was nervous and anxious under the gaze of those cold hunter eyes that were merciless and so scary , as the servants left the office room only one person stayed which was the personal bodyguard of the man who now stands up in his authority and looks down at the shivering women

"Emily Willis married to Johnson Willis not happy with the marriage because it was just a deal , when Johnson got transferred to Bihar you had one sided love with Raj Pranav Pandey Kishan...and then a jealous Johnson arrested Raj Kishan in a fake robbery........ interesting , but the thing I want to know is the truth behind this silly story of yours....and don't lie to me because I have a enough land to burry you alive without no one's knowing " Shubman said as he looks at the setting sun as the sky becomes dusty and winds were cold but the woman was trembling in fear

" I...i... don't..-" "Take as much time you want but remember my lady I am a trained swordsman and a prince, and you know that both have a very thin layer of patience " Shubhman said again with full dominance and authority , he walks towards his table and sits infront of the lady who looks at him with petrified eyes

" My husband is an Indigo seller he transports indigo to the British ports and trains but apart from that he sells those Indigo to the Chinese from nepal border along with some.... children and adults " She said truthfully Shubman sips his coffee with one hand as he looks at the woman

"I really loved Raj but because I am married Raj never crossed his lines I was ready to love him silently but one day I listened to my husband talking about selling Ishan who was Raj's brother along with some other children and adults, I told this to Raj who was ready to protect his brother, that day I helped Raj to enter in our mansion to steal those files which has prove that my husband is a traitor and a human trafficker but ..." the lady broke in tears remembering that horrible day , but Shubman's grip tighten on the poor cup when he listens about Ishan's exploitation

"My husband caught him and arrested him , Raj saved his brother but he ...he got into trouble..." Shubman's blood was boiling , what would have happened if Raj wouldn't tried to save Ishan what would have happened if Emily wouldn't take courage to tell this all to raj , but Shubman just closes his eyes and thinks about destroying Johnson Willis

" Where are those files.." Shubman asked calmly the lady wipes her tears and looks at Shubman

"at our mansion in my husband's office room" she said looking at Shubman who offered her water as the lady was crying dry

"You'll steal those files and bring them to me..." the lady choked on water and looks at Shubman who was dead serious , he gives her some files to read

" These files contain all the list of the black business your husband does under the nose of the British government but to prove this I need the official papers " Shubman stands up and puts his hands in his pocket looking at the scared expression of the woman Shubman sighs everyone is scared to do something for their love this is just another example, the woman exclaimed that she loves Raj but for his justice she was silent but Shubman knows he has to use her cleverly

"You just have to tell your guard to shoot me with your husband's gun on the day of my coronation as the Crown Prince, your husband would be called to the Judiciary committee as he tried to kill a noble and because the British gun's bullet has a specific mark on them he will be under arrest and mayank will be the eye witness, in his absence you'll handle those files to Mayank my personal bodyguard " Shubman said making Emily and Mayank shoked this was deadly game which he was planning

"don't worry the shot will be on my left side shoulder muscle and mayank will be there to make sure that , you'll be freed by the marriage I'll give you enough money to live a new life " Shubman said the lady looked at the papers and then firmly looks at Shubman she stands up putting the papers on the table

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