Chapter Eleven>

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Chapter Eleven> I'll Be Okay

It's been three weeks. I'm 9 weeks pregnant. you can finally tell I'm pregnant. Last week I just looked fat, and now, my body is shouting, "Hey! There's two people in me!!" 

When we found out we were having twins, of course, Colton passed out. I was freaking out, and everything was just out of its shit. 

I put on a gigantic sweater to cover my stomach, a pair of tights cause I was too lazy to wear socks, and a pair of black bball shorts. (AN// typical asian bboy outfit x'D ; i can say that cause im asian x'D btw if u didn't know megan batoon is filipino) I knew I couldn't take my bike to school so I brought out the big guns. I opened the second garage. This garage hadn't been opened since my parents were alive. There it was, my dad's old truck. 18 years old, Ford, stick shift. I learned how to drive stick when I was twelve. My dad secretly taught me after school when my mom was at work. 

"Sorry I didn't tell you mom, but dad taught me to drive illegally..." I mumbled to myself smirking as I started up the old thing. 

Thank the lords it still worked. Honestly, I don't even know how it still runs.

I got to school and the first person that came up to me was Danielle.

"What can I do for you on this fine day ?" I asked getting my bag out of the passenger's seat

"I finally know what your deal is." She said with a devious grin

"What's my deal?" I asked, a little nervous

Her and her two friends gave an evil smirk. Danielle grabbed my arm and took me to the hallway where everyone was. Even Colton. 

"Attention everyone! The nerd of our school, the virgin, the one that studies for a living is..." She said

She lifted my sweater and my captain america bra was showing. And, my stomach. 

"Pregnant!!!!" She shouted 

I couldn't breathe. I ran out into the parking lot and I couldn't make it to my car. I fell to the floor and everything was going blurry, my breath was shortening and I couldn't do anything about it. 

Panic attack.

 It was the same as when I was little. People staring at me, disappointed. I haven't had that many panic attacks lately. But I guess they started up again.

I finally calmed down and I walked over to my car. I was screwed. My social life was done. Even though I didn't have one, being called a nerd or a virgin was way better than being called a slut or the girl that got pregnant at seventeen. I had to go to class, but I knew I would get roasted. I couldn't handle that. So, I curled up in a ball and blasted music in the car, thinking. 

After a few hours of moping the door opened and Colton came in.

"How bad is it?" I asked 

"Bad. Everyone is talking shit." He said sighing

"Of course." I said 

"So what are you going to do ?" I asked Colton looking up at him

"What do you mean ?" He asked confused

"You gonna say you're the father?" I asked

He went quiet. "I think I have to..." He said, "I don't want you to get all the shit."

I thought for a moment, "No."



"I'm sorry, what does that mean ?" He asked confused

"I'm not letting you say anything." I stated

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