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"But it's me who's been making the bed."

(Read in a dark setting)

(Read in a dark setting)

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Zee was insane, or at least going insane. She doesn't know why she does all of this stuff and still thinks she the victim in the situation. And now that walker wants to call she doesn't know what to do AND she should be the one apologizing to him and that's what she will do.

She doesn't want for their relationship to get worse than it is right now, after her apology they will both have to start over which will be hard but they'll make it through it, right?

Zia marie thornfields hasn't gotten up in a few days and it was like the guilt was eating her alive and very slowly at that but she deserved it or at least that's what she thinks

She's never had a relationship like this with someone before that she could actually trust other than her close friends which she hasn't talked to in days either now that she thinks about it.
While she was drowning in her own sadness she had heard a knock at her bedroom door.

"Hey sweetie are you feeling all right? You haven't gotten up in days." Her mom said as she walked into the room.

"Yea mom I'm fine thanks for asking." She replied, truth is she's not okay but she doesn't want her parents to worry about her, or think she's over reacting.

"Okay sweetie I'm always here for you if you want to talk." She mother says as she leaves her room and closes the door.

"I don't know what's wrong with me." Zia whispered under her breath as tear drops slowly fell from her eyes.


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