23// Broken renunian

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Hours had passed since the dragon rider had to go through surgery (again) which was done by pirates. Royal margarine slowly turned his head to Abalone and whispers a thank you to him. The pirate smiles happily, Abalone and his crew did all they could and now only hope and prays could decide if the dragon rider could continue to live, despite so many things happening to him.

"How are you doing buddy?" Abalone asked with a soft tone.

"I'm so furious..." The dragon rider spoke with tears. "I'm going to beat the shit out of Crimson coral once I find her!"

"Well you're in luck Royal margarine.." Crimson coral spoke from the door. "If you want to continue this fight then go ahead!" The gem mermaid glared at the man.

"Gladly.." The other said before pulling out a dagger. "This is so much better than a butter knife.." Margarine spoke whilst admitting his weapon.

Abalone and his crew tried to stop the dragon rider but they just got shouted at by him. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Royal margarine screeched.

Crimson coral walked over and pulled the dragon rider out the door, throwing him across the deck. Royal margarine hoists himself up bed charging towards the gem mermaid, Crimson coral doges his attack causing the dragon rider to trip over. The trident is aimed at him sharply with a gem mermaid giving a death stare, the dragon rider looks at her with tears in his eyes. "Please...don't kill me.." he spoke with his mouth quivering.

The gem mermaid was filled with anger and rage, she doesn't listen and stabs the trident through the dragon rider multiple times until he was limp again, Royal margarine coughed out blood from his mouth as he was getting stabbed to death and losing blood. Abalone, Rose tea and Mystic Opal tried to stop her but there was no avail. The dragon rider was trying to crawl away, unfortunately that was too painful to do so.

"Please someone..h-help me.." The man spoke as he was coughing out blood. Royal margarine didn't want to let go, he wanted Buttercream, to see his friends again, he missed everyone including Sour belt and Prune juice, he wanted to see Pastel meringue again and have a happy life with him. Unfortunately those hopes wouldn't last long.

"Abalone...can you hold..my hand..please?" The dragon rider said between coughs, the pirate kneels down beside the other and holds his hand tightly.

"I'm right here buddy.." Abalone spoke softly.

"I don't wanna die..I've got a boyfriend who...loves me...so much.." Margarine continued to cough as he was speaking.

"Are you sure about that?" Lord oyster questions. "You haven't seen them in months, I heard you and Abalone talking!"

"Says the twat who holds a fucking useless gem all the time!" The dragon rider loudly exclaims. Lord oyster explodes with rage and fury, He throws a punch into the man's chest causing him to cough and wheeze in agony. Abalone pushes the sailor away from them both before turning back to the dragon rider. Royal margarine tries to stand up but was unable to due to the force and weight of pain. His eyes were soon very lidded and his vision began to black out.

Abalone pulled Royal margarine closer, putting the dragon rider's head onto his chest as he was slowly dying.

The dragon rider's eyes began to close, Abalone made sure to hold him tightly so he could let go warmly. Both of them smiled while hugging, the pirate kisses Margarine's head but was still unsure about the feeling, he didn't know what love was, Abalone didn't know how to love or what it felt like. Seeing the dragon rider had made him realise that not everything had to be about himself, neither dead nor alive. The dragon rider's limp body had turned cold, he tried to move his arm to get the pirate's attention but he couldn't since there was no lack of strength to do so. The man started to sob and cry, he wanted to tell the one that he loved that he loves him so much, he wanted to say goodbye to Pastel meringue before becoming dead. Tears continued to stream down until the dragon rider's heart stopped beating. Royal margarine was finally dead.

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