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After the Zarons were gone the Zackarin society was finally at peace and after finishing mining all remaining axium on the moons the Zackarin fleet was completely turned into Zaron Conquerors now renamed the Grand Zackarin Fleet. Alpha Centauri eventually became the central planet for technological advancements in military and everything else in the Zackarin system. Commander Carter and Captain Michael went down in history as heroes and so did Captain Sarah and Captain Rex. Years have passed since the war ended and by now all of the heroes have passed away and will always be remembered as heroes.
The Zackarins returned to the Zaron system to mine all of the axium from the moons and planets in its system in the year 3682. On June 9th 3721, during a search on the Zaron home planet DarkZaron they located enormous amounts of axium underwater and the presumed only reason it was never mined was because of Cthulhu. Now that Cthulhu is gone, trapped behind the collapsed entrance to his underwater cavern several mining facilities were set up underwater. There are a total of twenty-seven mining facilities and each took around three years to set up. These facilities each house around two hundred operators and each facility is around a mile long. Each facility is powered by an unlimited power source which runs on nuclear energy. If the reactor were to melt down then all the crew would evacuate immediately. The facilities use massive versions of the drills used to mine axium on the moons and the Zaron system has been colonized by the Zackarins now that the Zarons were extinct. The drills are positioned near the largest batches of axium and it will take several years to mine it all. Mining facility AA-6 is the deepest facility and one of the biggest. It is around seven miles deep underwater located near the collapsed cave and positioned close to the crash site where the Fleet 521 command ship once laid. Each facility has around twenty-eight escape pods and each can fit around ten people. Only one facility has had to be evacuated because of a power failure. Each crew has access to modified spartan suits meant for underwater travel. In case of emergency then the crew is to evacuate the facility and if there aren't enough escape pods available then the remaining crew members are to use the suits to head to the nearest facility and use their escape pods.
DarkZaron wasn't colonized mostly because of the history and most people visit the planet to visit tourist locations about the war now named the 400 year interstellar war. While the moons in the Zaron system are being mined on, the main planets were recolonized and turned into new civilizations. The Zackarins have been at peace for hundreds of years now and it seemed like it would stay that way. The Zackarin fleet was the strongest known fleet in the galaxy and almost all the ships were nearly indestructible. There were no threats left on DarkZaron or anywhere in the Zackarin system. However it quickly turned downside when the incident occurred on mining station AA-6 one of the biggest underwater mining stations on DarkZaron.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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