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Author's pov

After few minutes Reva comes out from staff room with few flyers which caught attention of both Arjun and Jaewon.
"What are they?"

"Oh! Tonight there's a open mic event here, and these are the flyers."

"You conduct open mic events?"

"Yes wonnie oppa! Last sunday of every month,there is a event here."

"Wahhh! Sounds good."

"Want help.."

"Yes please."

Jae-won and Arjun also joined her, eager to lend a hand in whatever way they could. Together, they set up a small stage in one corner of the café, and completed it with a microphone and a few chairs for performers.

Arjun helped in adjusting the lighting to create the perfect ambiance, while Jae-won hung colorful streamers and fairy lights around the space. Then they both together with Reva and her staff had lunch in café. After it, they baked few cupcakes, made some juices and prepared few Indian snacks.

As the evening sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets outside Aroma Haven, Reva bustled about the café, making final preparations for the much-anticipated open mic night. With a clipboard in hand, she moved from table to table, ensuring everything was in place for the evening's event.

As the first guests began to trickle in, Reva's exhaustion from earlier in the day seemed to fade away, replaced by a sense of excitement and anticipation. She greeted each newcomer with a warm smile, inviting them to sign up for a turn at the mic or simply enjoy the show.

"Bhaiya, you both sit in first row. The event will start now."

Arjun nodded and went to chairs in first row along with Jaewon and sat there.
They were amazed by how soon the whole café filled with people.soon the saw Reva taking the mic and going towards the stage, her presence commanding the attention of the gathered crowd. With a warm smile, she greeted the audience, her voice ringing out with enthusiasm and excitement.

"Good evening, everyone!
Welcome to another fabulous open mic night here at Aroma Haven!"

The crowd erupted into applause, their cheers echoing throughout the cozy café as they eagerly awaited the evening's performances.Reva continued, her energy infectious as she set the stage for the night ahead.

"We have an incredible lineup of talent for you tonight, so without further late, let's get started!
Our first act of the evening is none other than the talented Rahul!
Let's give him a big round of applause"

As Rahul made his way to the stage with his guitar, everyone started cheering him. Reva stepped aside, letting him start

As the open mic night at Aroma Haven reached its peak, a young man named Arjun took to the stage, Rahul clutching his guitar with a nervous but determined expression took his seat.His voice trembled slightly as he began the familiar chords of a beloved ballad, his eyes closed in concentration as he poured his heart into each note.

🎵 "I wandered through the darkness,
   Searching for a ray of light.
   But in your eyes, I found my solace,
Guiding me through the endless night~"

As Rahul sang, his expression shifted from nervousness to pure emotion, his voice rising and falling with the flow of the melody. With each word, he seemed to lose himself in the music, his soulful rendition captivating the audience and drawing them into his world.

Reva stood off to the side of the stage, her eyes shining with pride as she listened to Rahul's heartfelt performance. She nodded along to the rhythm of the music, her smile growing wider with each passing moment, a silent acknowledgment of the talent and passion of her friend on display.

And as the event continued Reva's eyes sparked with anticipation as she introduced each performer with enthusiasm and warmth. After four performances Reva came upon the stage

"Everyone's enjoying the event so far I guess"

Shouted the audience with excitement.

"So as you all know it's riddle time now. Everyone get ready to use your brains--"

"So the first question of night is-
What has head,a tail, and different colors but has no legs?"

The audience started to think,whispering the answers along with friends to know if it's correct or not before answering. The excitement filled the room suddenly one girl raised the hand

"Oh you there, what's the answer?"

"A coin--?"

"Wahhh, its right. Let's go to next one."

"I'm tall when I'm young, but short when old?what am I?"

As soon as she completed her question, Rahul raised his hand
"Aahaa, you know the answer,then tell us what's it?"

"A candle!"

"Wahh. You are right this time."

"I know Iam as I saw it on net before coming here- oops did I said it out loud?"

"Yes you did you cheater."

And the room filled with laughter as the were bickering like alwayss. And the riddle show continued.

"Haa now let's have the last question of night."

"The more you take,the more you leave behind??"

Reva's voice rang out, the challenge hanging in the air like a tantalizing mystery. Everyone was looking here and there confused on what the answer could be. Among them, Jae-won and Arjun exchanged playful glances, both determined to crack the riddle.In the midst of the enthusiastic responses, Jae-won's voice rang out confidently.

he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with pride as he offered his answer. Reva's face lit up with delight as she nodded in agreement.

"That's right! Well done, Jae-won! You are quite talented."

And everyone started giving a loud applauds for him. A flush of pride spread across his cheeks as he basked in Reva's praise, a warmth spreading through him at her words. In that moment, amidst the laughter of the café, he couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging, grateful for the bond he shared with Reva, Arjun and their family.

As the evening progressed, Aroma Haven filled with the sound of laughter, music. Performers took to the stage one by one, sharing their talents with an enthusiastic audience. From soulful ballads to witty spoken word, each performance brought a unique flavor to the night, drawing cheers and applause from the crowd.

Jae-won and Arjun  watched from their seats, thoroughly enjoying the lively atmosphere. They clapped and cheered along with the rest of the audience, proud to see Reva's café buzzing with energy and creativity.

As the night wore on and the last performer took their bow, Reva finally allowed herself to relax, her exhaustion catching up with her once more. Together, the three of them made their way back to house, where they shared a simple but satisfying dinner of homemade curry and rice. With bellies full and hearts light, they bid each other goodnight, ready to drift off into a peaceful sleep, dreaming of the memories made at Aroma Haven that night.

-to be continued

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