Dave strider x fem reader
Chapter 1
Dave's p.o.vI stood at my locker I was in high school, I was a freshman. I put some books away and got some more out. Then I was off to my next class. I sighed in frustrastion
"I really hate school"I said to myself as a gray boy with the cancer symbol on his chest walked by. It was my best friend karkat vantas. I quickly walked by as I went to my next class.after class I walked through the hallways on my way home i threw my books in my locker and walked away. Just as I turned around someone walked into me it was (y/n). She was a nice person with(h/l)(h/c) hair and a nice smile. She looked at me as she dropped her books and frowned. I just walked wmaway but for some reason my heart was racing.
Readers p.o.vHe walked into me...I hated him. I despised him. He was not the under dog. He was the cool kid and all of the girls loved him except me. I hated him. He was rude. I picked up my things and left the school when I got home I couldn't think about anything other then his face...he was cute after all but I still hate him. But my heart is racing just at the thought of him. **
Karkats p.o.v.
Dave obviously likes her. I know he does and I'll do everything in my power to get them together. No I won't I really don't care it's his choice who he goes out with and I don't like her anyways. But whatever it's not like I care, Like I said before.
**readers overies explode**
dave x reader
Randomok so this is my fan fic idk how long its gonna be. I stopped chapter four at 666 words :3. well let me know if you want me to right about someone else or any suggestions you have