Dave's p.o.v
I woke up it was 11:45.
"Oh shit!" I flew out of bed and threw the closest clothes on that didn't smell like shit. I jogged to the bathroom and combed my hair into it's signature swoop and brushed my teeth. I put on deorderant and a bit of cologne.I checked the time and it was 11:55. It takes me five minutes to walk to the park so I would be there on time. I grab an apple and start eating it as walk out the door. When I arrived it was 12:03. I was officially late. I saw her she looked as she normally did nothing special but then again look at what I was wearing. I walked over and w21aved.my heart started to flutter.
Readers p.o.v
He was late but it really didn't matter I didn't care to much anyway I kinda hoped he didn'tshow.I saw him walking over waving like an idiot. My heart started beating faster. I still didn't know why it does that.I still don't think I like him.we walked around for a little while then we decided we would go to the movies. We started to walkand when we wakes down a street lined with trees I liked around a bit. Then Dave took my hand
"We can't waste time"he said I blushed as he held my hand but I somehow didn't want him to let go.He was warm and his hands were soft.he let go when w got outside our the theatre.
Daves p.o.v
Her hand was cold I never would of thought she would let me hold her hand. I didn't want to force her to do I let go I played for the tickets and went inside we saw a horror movie. I got popcorn and was willing to share but she didn't want to. Half way through the movie I was down to a half of my popcorn I went to reach my hand in and It met with hers. I pulled my hand away quickly as she did the same.
Readers p.o.v
Our hands touched again and I blushed. I quickly pulled it away just them Dave jumped at the movie and leaned close to me I could smell him. He smelled like too much cologne, but I liked it. Dave looked intensely at the screen then the movie ended my heart was racing. Not because if the movie but because he was so close to me. I liked him and there was no denying it anymore.

dave x reader
Разноеok so this is my fan fic idk how long its gonna be. I stopped chapter four at 666 words :3. well let me know if you want me to right about someone else or any suggestions you have