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Giovanni slowly enter in room where Valencia is shifted and took seat beside her. Antonio and Percival went to get food as no one has proper meal since they are in hospital and Rowena went to home to help out Eliseo to handle the de luca kids and Calista and Rafael went to bring clothes for Valencia and Giovanni as only one person can stay with patient.

Giovanni took Valencia's hand softly in his hands and kissed it gently,

"don't worry darling i will not let anything happen to our tiny girl" Giovanni said and lovingly kissed Valencia's forehead.

just then the door opened quietly and Rafael with dominic in his arms and bags in his hands with Calista also holding a bag entered inside room. Giovanni walked towards them and as dominic saw his dad he whined and thrashed around in rafael's arms trying to get his dad. Giovanni took dominic in arms who calmed down as soon he felt warm embrace of his dad. Giovanni slowly rubbed dominc's back and looked at rafael for explanation,

"don't look at me like that, this little pants was throwing tantrums and was saying that he will not sleep without his dad and mom so, we bought him here" Rafael said getting comfortable in couch.

Giovanni looked at dominic who stared at his father with innocent doe eyes making giovanni sign,

"why are you troubling your uncle and aunt, buddy?" Giovanni said with little stern face just enough to not scare his baby boy.

" I mish mom and you" Dominic said in tiny voice tucking his head in Giovanni's neck.

Giovanni's eyes soften, he lift his hand and caressed dominic's back.

"Dad, Mom and baby is okay?" Dominic raised his concern in tiny.

"Yes buddy they are fine" Giovanni said while is eyes lingered at Valencia and mind lingered at thought of his baby girl.

"Fratello, come I have arranged dinner" calista said to which Giovanni nodded.

After some time Rafael and calista went home. And dominic was being stubborn to not leave his mom behind alone and protect her when she's asleep which surely didn't made Giovanni jealous.


It was almost 4 AM in morning the little soldier was soundly sleeping on couch and on other hand hand there was no sign of sleep in Giovanni's eyes. Valencia was also asleep under influence of medicine. Giovanni sat there physically but mentally he was sickly worried for his daughter. The doctor's have said that her breathing is stable but her condition is still critical.

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