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Mindy was visiting the 9-10th grade counselor during breakfast in the morning and she told her about her Raggedy Ann doll. She said that the teacher saw that the library students died when Mindy is out to lunch. Mindy went to her first different classroom that is art or ceramics, whatever mixed media. Mindy makes a plan for Cailyn to go to the bathroom with Raggedy Ann and they asked Mrs. Vincent if Cailyn could use the bathroom and they made a pass for her. In the bathroom, Mindy lets Cailyn stay in the stall with the toilet and she left the bathroom without Raggedy Ann. As a nightmare, Cailyn's head got into the toilet when Ann had pushed and flushed the toilet when her head is filled with blood. After using the bathroom, an art classmate had to use the bathroom and saw Cailyn's body without her head. The student said that "Annabelle killed Cailyn in the bathroom and after class, Mindy got called to the main office and asked how did she brings Cailyn to the girls' washroom with Raggedy Ann and now she said that Mindy was suspended for 3 days until October.

At home, Mindy told her mother that she was suspended for 3 days before October and she totally took her Ann doll and Mindy perceives that Ann won't be haunted at school nor her bedroom. Mindy starts to argue at her mom for stealing the Raggedy Ann doll and she told the truth that Cailyn was killed in the washroom. Mindy hasn't finished up her AP studies in that any days from now. After arguing, Mindy went to her room and cried out when she tries to waste a lot of time before her AP exam starts tomorrow.

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