Chapter 15

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I stepped out of the shower and grabbed the fluffy towel from the rack beside me. After Kaz and I had hugged I quickly, and rather awkwardly, excused myself to go shower. I wasn't sure why I was so shy around him, I mean he'd kissed me multiple times already, however I just couldn't help it, he made me quite flustered. Luckily Kaz didn't seem to take my rushed escape as rude, and rather found it amusing. I could tell my flustered state and burning cheeks had amused him when I noticed him clearly trying not to smirk.

I dried myself off thoroughly before making my way out of the shower and grabbing the clothes that Kaz had once again lent me. This still felt so surreal, like nothing had changed, but in reality, everything had changed. I pulled on the huge black shirt and then I donned the enormous pants, feeling a little ridiculous as I rolled them up until they finally revealed my feet. I brushed my hair and then my teeth, finding myself rushing to return to Kaz despite my hurried exit.

Finally when I was all finished getting ready I hung my towel and made my way to the door, opening it cautiously and peeking out to try and spot the huge man. I instantly saw Kaz sitting on the bed doing something on his phone, though the moment I opened the door his gaze snapped up to meet mine and a light smile found its way onto his face, probably due to my small figure drowning in his clothes.

I felt my cheeks go pink under his gaze and I made my way over to the bed, sitting down beside Kaz and glancing up at his handsome face,

"um thank you for the clothes" I mumbled shyly, surprising even myself when I leaned up and kissed his cheek quickly, immediately looking down at my lap where I wrung my hands rather nervously,

I felt Kaz's gaze on me and then a moment later he spoke lowly, "you think you can tease me like that malyshka?" his rough voice sounded playful, thought there was something in his tone that sounded almost a little dangerous

Before I could think of a response Kazimir's huge hand had grabbed my chin and pulled me into him, crashing his lips on to my own. His lips were dominating this time as he kissed me roughly. I tried my best to follow his lead, struggling to keep up with his hungry pace. I hoped he wouldn't realize just how inexperienced I was.

Though my concerns were short lived as I found it difficult to focus on anything besides the man who was kissing me as though he needed me more than the oxygen we were both fighting to breath in. The familiar feeling of butterflies danced around my stomach and made its way lower and lower. Without warning Kaz bit my lower lip gently, causing me to gasp at his actions, which is when he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

Our kiss sped up as we explored each other's mouths hungrily and before I knew what was happening Kaz had grabbed me and effortlessly pulled me on top of his huge frame so I was straddling his waist. I ran my fingers through his thick, black hair and he moaned lowly, a sound that did something unfamiliar to me. I began to feel a heat gathering around my core, and when Kaz's large hands dug into my waist I found myself whimpering softly in pleasure. Kaz's hands trailed lower, exploring my waist before finding their way down to my butt. I moaned again, which seemed to encourage the man below me as he dug his fingers into my soft skin, making me grind into him in a way I didn't even know I was capable of.

I had never gone this far with a boy before, however unlike my expectations, I wasn't afraid. Maybe a little nervous but not because I was scared of Kaz, only because this was completely new territory for me. We broke apart for a moment, both of us panting heavily but I only stared into the man's eyes for a second before I leaned back in, needing to feel his lips against my own. This kiss wasn't as gentle as our previous, instead it was rough, passionate with a certain desperation from us both.

our lips continued to move in perfect sync and I suddenly became aware of something hard underneath where I sat, straddling Kaz's waist. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks though despite myself, my hips seemed to move on their own, pushing into Kaz even more and earning another moan from the Russian man below me. His grip tightened around my small waist, pulling me further into him as we continued to kiss, our lips fighting for domination. Kaz ultimately won and I surrendered to him, letting him roughly claim my lips with his own. I found my hands trailing down his chest and over his prominent muscles, eventually landing at the base of his shirt. Without another thought I tugged at his shirt, desperate to feel more of the man underneath me. Kaz clearly caught on and broke away from my lips just long enough to pull his shirt off. I took a moment to admire the man. He was all muscle, his tattooed torso was unimaginably toned with a few scars littered here and there.

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